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    American Style Waltz
    Waltz Variation 1
    Waltz Variation 1
    At a Glance

    1-3 Left Box Turn, Slip Pivot and Left-Turning Rock to Promenade. Release to side-by-side position. Side-by-side Chass to Fencing Line with lady's Left Underarm Turn exit, ended in open counter-promenade position. Whisk from counter-promenade, Promenade Chass, and Promenade Close ending.

    The first Waltz variation consists of several different movements that span the levels from basic to advanced, from a simple Box step to a Chassé and Fencing Line in side-by-side position. An interesting aspect of this combination is its use of several dance positions, including closed, promenade, open counter-promenade, open facing, fallaway, and side-by-side. Much of the skill required for a successful execution is the ability to transition from one position to another effortlessly and seamlessly.

    The first two measures consist of a half-Box and a Slip Pivot, danced to straight timing. Intermediate level dancers can learn the basic Slip Pivot by referring to the silver level American style Waltz syllabus, figure #41. Advanced dancers note that the Slip Pivot used here is not a Gold level syncopated Fallaway Reverse & Slip Pivot, although it could be danced in lieu of measures 1 and 2, to the counts 1&23.

    The Slip Pivot is followed by a variation of Left-Turning Rock, where the man turns away from the lady between the second and third step of the rock to end in promenade position. This is an easily-led variation, and quite appropriate for American style social dancing. International dancers using this variation for a show might prefer to substitute an Open Telemark.

    From promenade position, the man leads the lady to pass in front of him, using an overturned version Promenade Release (silver Waltz figure #34a). To end in side-by-side position on the same foot as lady, the man must fake by taking an extra step. The first two steps are taken as a normal Promenade Release, but before the last step as the lady passes the man, he slips his right foot together on the "&" of count 2, changing weight. He will then have his left foot free to step side & slightly forward on the last step, matching the lady.

    While in side-by-side position, the man and lady both dance a chassé (1,2&3), followed by a check forward and across on their right foot in a Fencing Line. This Fencing Line can be taken as shown, for a quick 1 count, or it can be extended for an extra measure, counted 1,2,3,1. There are many possible exits for a Fencing Line, but for this variation they replace weight back to the left foot, then step on the right foot, lady turning to the left to face the man.

    Next, the man leads the lady to dance an Underarm Turn to Left, starting in open facing position and ending in open counter-promenade position. It is perfectly acceptable to use the same LH-RH hold throughout, but to add interest, here we've switched to a RH-LH hold. To accomplish this, it's important to switch the hand hold as early as possible. At the completion of the Fencing Line, the man should offer his right hand to the lady immediately as she turns to face him, joining a two-hand hold at the end of 3 before releasing the LH-RH hold. Likewise, at the completion of the lady's Underarm Turn to Left, they should once again join a two-hand hold, then release the RH-LH hold to end with man once again holding the lady's right hand in his left for the counter-promenade position that follows.

    The next measure begins in open counter-promenade position and finishes in promenade, a movement reminiscent of the bronze Twinkles to Promenade and Counter-Promenade (Waltz fig. #15). For the sake of variety we've opted to dance it as a Whisk by crossing one foot behind the other on the third step, but this step can also be taken with the feet closing like the bronze syllabus figure, or even passing like the silver version.

    The last two measures are taken with a bronze Waltz Chasse (figure #14) and a Promenade Close to finish. Silver level dancers may prefer a continuity finish for the last measure. International dancers will probably be more comfortable dancing a chassé ended closed, followed by 1-3 Natural Turn, man taking step 1 outside partner on lady's right side.


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