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6. Natural Pivot Turn
Fact Sheet
Official Name:Natural Pivot Turn
Dance / Level:Intermediate Bronze Quickstep
Natural Turn

The Natural Pivot Turn is a right-turning figure consisting of only 4 steps that begins with the first 3 steps of a Natural Turn, followed by a single right-turning pivot on the final step. It ends with man and lady in line, prepared to follow with another natural figure such as Natural Turn, Natural Spin Turn, or another Natural Pivot Turn.

The figure begins with man facing and lady backing diagonal wall. They take the first 3 steps of the Natural Turn, turning 3/8 to right. The final step, taken with man's left and lady's right foot, moves down the line of dance, pivoting up to 1/2 to right to end with man facing line of dance. At a corner, less turn can be made on the pivot: Either 1/4 to end with man facing the new line of dance, or 3/8 to end with man facing diagonal wall of the new line of dance.

A note on footwork: Pivots have a very interesting type of footwork, described in the technical charts as "toe-heel-toe" for the man, and "heel-toe-heel" for the lady. This is an indication that the weight should be held toward the ball of the foot throughout the step, which enables the foot to pivot easily. Nonetheless, the heel should be allowed to lower and remain in light contact with the floor, so that the body does not rise unnaturally while weight is taken on the foot.


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