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15. Back Twinkle
Fact Sheet
Official Name:Back Twinkle
Dance / Level:Full Bronze American Style Foxtrot
Aliases:Simple Back Twinkle, Promenade Back Twinkle, Bronze Back Twinkle, Closed Back Twinkle

If the basic Twinkle, also known as Forward Twinkle, begins with the man moving forward, then it stands to reason that the Back Twinkle is a similar pattern with the man beginning with a back step. Unlike the Forward Twinkle, however, the Back Twinkle in most instances begins with lady in outside partner position.

Like the term Twinkle, the title of Back Twinkle has been bestowed upon many different patterns by various dance schools; Figures such as Open Impetus (Int'l Waltz figure #20) and Outside Change ended in PP (Int'l Waltz figure #9b) are but a small sample of the patterns that have been referred to as Back Twinkle by certain American style dancers. Anything that begins with the man stepping back and ended in promenade position could probably qualify.

Nonetheless, the most basic version of the Back Twinkle is a simple pattern consisting of 3 steps, beginning with a step backward on the man's left foot in CBMP, with lady stepping forward in CBMP outside partner on right side. Steps 2 and 3 are similar to that of the Forward Twinkle, the pattern ending with feet closed in promenade position, ready to move down line of dance. The timing of the three steps is "slow, quick quick".

The figure begins in a similar alignment to the Forward Twinkle -- man facing diagonally to wall -- although because he is moving backward, it is now referred to as "backing diagonal center against line of dance". It also ends like the Twinkle, with man having no turn of the feet (but with slight upper body turn to right), lady turning 1/4 to right. A variation of the amount of turn acceptable at the bronze level is 1/8 to left for man and 1/8 to right for lady.

The Back Twinkle may also be ended in any alignment that causes the next figure to move in the general direction of line of dance (i.e. diagonal center, line of dance, or diagonal wall), so when combined with the two possible variations of amounts of turn, the Back Twinkle can actually begin on any of the following man's alignments:

  • Backing against line of dance
  • Backing diagonal center against line of dance
  • Backing center
  • Backing diagonal center


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