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Re: Not much help.
Posted by Some help
12/2/2008  1:10:00 PM
Think outside the box. Did you try "dance studios" rather than "dance schools"?
Still not much help.
Posted by jofjonesboro
12/3/2008  5:30:00 AM
I tried every option available on that list.

That website simply doesn't provide much informaiton.

Re: Still not much help.
Posted by Some help
12/3/2008  9:17:00 AM
I looked at the "dance studio" selection for Atlanta, and it listed about half-a-dozen studios: clearly more than JUST Fred Astaire as you'd initially stated.

I'm sure you don't want anyone to be mislead by your prior statement.
Please post a link to that results page.
Posted by jofjonesboro
12/3/2008  12:44:00 PM
Here's a link to mine: Atlanta Studios.

If you select "Search by Category," the site just brings up another "Search by Location" which produces the same results: Atlanta Studios by category. This design doesn't seem to make much sense.

You can see other Atlanta studios when pulling up studio names by alphabet but that's little help to someone who doesn't already know the area. Someone who does wouldn't need the site anyway.

You can also see other studios by leaving out the city name and getting the studios in Georgia. Even that list is incomplete; it leaves out both Academy Ballroom and Atlanta Dance Center.

Do you have a financial interest in this site?


Ah! Now I see. If you leave the fourth pull-down box set to all, it will pull up all categories. If you then select the "See More Results" button under "Dance Studios," then a list of six names will appear.

Also, I notice that "Atlanta" appears twice in the drop-down for the cities for Georgia. The two selections produce different results when a selection is also made from the fourth box.

Sloppy. Very sloppy.
Re: Please post a link to that results page.
Posted by Some help
12/3/2008  5:26:00 PM
No, no financial interest. Just someone who can do a lot with just a little information. And someone who agrees that you were sloppy in your initial research and comments that ONLY Fred Astaire was listed.
Getting a bit defensive, huh.
Posted by jofjonesboro
12/4/2008  5:24:00 AM
And someone who agrees that you were sloppy in your initial research and comments that ONLY Fred Astaire was listed.

Actually, I'm someone who spent some time on the POS site and figured out that it does not work properly.

You failed to address even one of the QA issues which I listed.

If a user has to waste time figuring out a website's tricks and turns then the website is a piece of garbage as this one clearly is.

A first-time user on that site would have followed same steps as I did and wound up with the same inaccurate result.

You failed to address my point about "Atlanta" appearing twice in the drop-down list of cities with the two different selections producing different results.

You also failed to address the point that even the longer list is incomplete - and therefore also inaccurate.

So, for someone who claims to "do a lot with just a little information," you still can't produce an accurate list of the dance schools - or studios - in Atlanta with your site.

And for your information, I do software QA for a living. Your site needs a lot of work.

Re: Getting a bit defensive, huh.
Posted by Some help
12/4/2008  7:51:00 AM
No, it isn't my site. (You seem to make a lot of statements based on poor research.)

My initial comment was not to complain about the site; it was to note that you made statements that were based upon incomplete research of the site.
Instead of acknowledging that, you were the one who then tried to avoid responsibility by blaming the site itself.

A poor workman blames his tools.

Those tactics say a lot about the manner in which your opinions are formed when you make postings in other threads, too.

And now, as you seem to be the type who MUST have the last word on everything, I'll step aside . . . . over to your last word. And I'm sure that everyone who reads your last word will give it all the credibility it deserves.
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by Joan
12/1/2008  7:09:00 PM
Well Ann - it is really unfortunate that you have had bad experience. My husband and I have been with Arthur Murray for 3 years, found just the opposite experience. Perhaps you did not clarify what you wished to experience during your interview. We have learned an amazing amount of steps, patterns, expression, and have had a wonderful time with all of the instructors. The depth of what we have been taught is soooooo evident when we dance with people from other studios, and groups - their technique is so poor, and because it is so poor they forget what they have learned, and look quite funny actually. As far as the instructors are concerned, they have to undergo rigorous testing with master coaches (at least at the studio we are at), and must be in an ongoing learning program - they are always being taught to upgrade when they do not have lessons. I have had discussions with some of the people who are teaching at other dance studios, and find it quite funny that they do not understand even the basic positions, steps, etc. One of my favorite was - "what is Cuban motion". Hope you have a better experience somewhere else - most likely you will stop dancing because you will not like anyone or anything taught to you. To comment on the $$ thing - it IS a business, and like you and I these people have to make a living and pay the rent, so when it all boils down to the time they have spent, it is well worth the money and it is fabulous. The only other reason that I think you would place such a mean, & nasty diatribe is that you are an owner or instructor with a competing studio - this type of tactic never works. Dance on!
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by LTD1234
12/2/2008  6:41:00 PM
I'm so glad I'm not alone. I thought I was the only one who was unhappy with AM. Everyone in my studio loves it! I have been dancing at AM in the MD/DC area for years now and the amount of money spent is causing issues in my family. I think it's time to switch but I just don't know where to go. I'm pretty serious about dancing and have looked into other studios but I can't seem to find a studio for dancers who take dance seriously. I don't know how that could be? Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place. Could someone please offer some suggestions of studios in the MD/DC area?!
This may help.
Posted by jofjonesboro
12/3/2008  6:40:00 PM
The link below takes you to the website for the Maryland/DC chapter of USA Dance.

At the bottom of this page is a list of studios. Location information seems a bit spotty but you can probably look up these names in local directories.

Md/DC Studios

Good luck.

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