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no subject
Posted by peter_kosmas
6/25/2007  10:33:00 AM
leading is not the problem !! i will give u an example with what happens !
i learn kick breaks in mambo !!! o.k?
i go somewhere ! they say that there are no kick breaks in mambo, i go somewhere else they say yes there are but we do not use hands ! most studios i see have difrent footwork
!i was very angry cause i spend a lot of money to learn !!!
i just believe that in Greece !!! "not talking for other countries" American Style is not a good solution !!! because there are no standards and in Greece the Certificates in American Style are given from the same dance school ! so that means that they may teach u anything they want !!
but if u do international style ! they can't teach u anything they want ! cause
teachers from england come and exam u ! and u get an istd degree !!!!!
in amercan u get an ABCD !!!!!
in other countries in not the same !!!
i know what i said was wrong !!!! but i still believe that better do international in greece and then go for the American style !
no subject
Posted by Ellen
6/27/2007  1:16:00 PM
It does sound like American style was not a good choice for you, since few other people in your area dance it. And it's possible the quality of teaching is not so great. I wonder where the studio teaching American learned it?

But don't bash American style based on that. Done well, it's a great style of dance with lots of room for creativity.

And I don't think all your time learning American was wasted. Hopefully, you learned some basic things about dance, like frame, rhythm, and how to move, that you can use in international. You'll learn it faster than if you hadn't danced at all before.

And if you ever come to the US, you'll have lots of partners for your American style!
no subject
Posted by blouaoua
6/27/2007  10:30:00 PM
i understand and i know american style is great !!!!
but not so much experts here in Greece ! i
believe that a great expert in american style would be person who got trained in International style technique ! if i am not wrong !u can use the technique on American Style
no subject
Posted by anymouse
6/28/2007  7:26:00 AM
"i go somewhere ! they say that there are no kick breaks in mambo, i go somewhere else they say yes there are but we do not use hands ! most studios i see have difrent footwork
!i was very angry cause i spend a lot of money to learn !!!
i just believe that in Greece !!! "not talking for other countries" American Style is not a good solution !!! because there are no standards and in Greece the Certificates in American Style are given from the same dance school ! so that means that they may teach u anything they want !!
but if u do international style ! they can't teach u anything they want ! cause
teachers from england come and exam u ! and u get an istd degree !!!!!
in amercan u get an ABCD !!!!! "

You are wrong.

There is no single standardized exam for american style, even over in america. Instead there are many different opinions and several organziations (including the chains) conducting examinations based on their different opinions.
no subject
Posted by terence2
7/7/2007  5:29:00 AM
Apples and Oranges-- the 2 systems are both valid within their context.

if taught correctly, the american style has much to offer . You need to remember WHERE this system originated , and for whom it was designed.
It essentially, has been around since the twenties ( up dated. of course )
It also provides coaching from world class dancers , and has produced many world class Prof. competitors in both Standard and Latin .

The system was , and is,beneficial to those who do not wish to pursue, a very strict form of social dancing, but are there more for the fun.
But, if you so wish, the upper levels are available, in many schools .
Re: I think American is CRAP 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by ddancer
6/13/2011  11:07:00 PM
@rha-Keep in mind that many of the top professionals do not post videos of their routines if they are still actively competing. The last thing they want is for parts of their routine to pop up in someone else's because they were studying their videos. I know many American Style champions and most of them to not have online videos.
Re: I think American is CRAP 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by Richard
6/14/2011  1:01:00 PM
Carp Garbage for a year ... or whatever ...

I am going to go out on a limb here. I will presume you to be young and hard to please which are NOT mutually synonymous. I will also venture a guess that you may be disillusioned with your present teaching venue, program, or goodness NO ... your teacher.

A word of advice. If any of the three are accurate assessments ... STOP! Get in touch with the school owner and sit down for a "Program Re-evaluation". Please DO NOT blame ANYONE else for your feelings. YOU are the one in control here. YOU are the ONLY person who can make YOU happy, and that "Program Re-evaluation" with the Studio owner may be just what you need. Both of you may be required to accurately assess your boggle.

Please remember; Dancing is supposed to be FUN. If it isn't, then something, or someone is indeed wrong; so take my advice ... step back. Bend a little to find that happy place in your mind, then ask for help.

In closing ... I wish you joy and success in all that you do ... but especially in dancing!

Re: I think American is CRAP 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by terence2
6/17/2011  9:16:00 AM
You do realise that its nearly 4 yrs since he posted ?

Wonder how he got on ?
Re: I think American is CRAP 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by francoT
6/17/2011  2:41:00 PM
I dance both American Style and International, mostly Latin Dances. I do it for social dancing only which I enjoyed so much. When I first learned to dance, it happened to be American style, I did not know the difference between the two at that time. Then I was in a dance party and I saw couples dancing differently and I said, HOLY COW! They look gorgeous with that dance. I asked where they learned those steps and I was told that it's International style. My personal opinion is that International style looks nicer than American because you have more freedom of body movements, partners don't close hold as much. So I started learning International and it was so easy for me ( piece of cake) because of my knowledge of the American style.

When I go to parties, I dance American style because the dance floor is crowded and American style is more appropriate. However, when I perform for entertainment at parties, I use International style. What I can say is that American style is not A CRAP and I am glad that I knew American style before learning International. Now, I used both styles depending on the occasion. To me dancing is fun regardless of the style. I am just glad that I learned how to dance and everyone should to enjoy life, YES?
Re: I think American is CRAP 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by quickstep7
6/22/2011  5:03:00 AM
It does sound like you have a bit of a problem and you need to control your anger. But if your technique is crap you cannot blame the syllabus, it is your teachers fault. My advice is not to change syllabus as you will get little benefit from doing the American or International syllabus. My advice to you is CHANGE TEACHERS and soon.

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