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Re: Arthur Murray
Posted by moneysuckers1
2/20/2013  6:20:00 PM
So true
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by dpalincs
8/3/2010  1:29:00 PM
I know that this conversation comes up every couple of weeks on this message board and nobody's mind is going to change either way by reading the 150 posts on this page but I just want to say that I do think it is a shame that SOME AM studios have lousy underprepared instructors. But, when you get a GREAT instructor, AM has some benefits:
Getting together with other studios for shows, parties, and competitions
Access to the best coaches in the US
A really nice family-like feeling with all of your fellow dancers
Re: Arthur Murray
Posted by anymouse
8/5/2010  10:07:00 AM
One need not work for a chain to get access to the best coaches. They are quite accessible to serious students, professional competitors, and teachers seeking to refine their knowledge.
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by WR
8/7/2010  6:14:00 AM
I've been involved with an Arthur Murray studio a couple of years and while it IS a franchis and is NOT cheap, my experience of the instruction is quite different. I've also checked out a few of the fine independents in my area to compare.
The AM instructors I've experienced have been quite competent and professional and if anything, have pushed me beyond my own barriers.
The "manual", I believe is meant to be a guideline and formula, building on a solid foundation.
I'm sure that with anyorganization, there are those who will "prey" on emmotions, etc. and lead people on or strictly rely on the "manual", but I've not seen that, so far in this area.
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by louise
9/10/2010  6:31:00 AM
I have taken lessons at Arthur Murray and it seems you should get a lot more for you buck ....from 120 to 140 dollars per lesson.....people should think of what it is they are getting for their money and they will do whatever it takes to get you to buy more lessons. It is a franchise so no matter which arthur murray you step into it will be all the same tactics.
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by And so does your dancing
9/10/2010  11:29:00 AM
Yes I have heard the debate of chains vs. independent studios since I stepped into the art of ballroom dancing. Just something I want you to keep in mind no matter who is your teacher or which studio you claim your from...it doesn't matter the amount of steps you know. What matters it the time you have spent practicing and honing your skills. Whether you are working on balance, turn out, rhythm, etc. etc. If you take the time to learn things slowly your body can't adjust to the changes. Take your time and learn thoroughly. You will be the best dancer on the floor if learning is done methodically. Ballet for example: you may spend an hour and a half at the barre and only 30 minutes actually dancing or floor work. But no no no, ballroom is different you can just cram feed your body and dance dance dance looking like an idiot..right is that what you want from a studio; steps when you 'think' you are ready for them as a student. My point is, trust your teacher. Your teacher knows more about your abilities than you do. "Holding me back" can you seriously say that while looking into a mirror. What a joke, if you got the ass whopping dance lesson your looking for from day one, you might not have lasted a month. There is a reason behind a syllabus, elements, behind technique and if you feel thats slowing you down.... your still not getting it. And as for the push to buy dance lessons - you always need them, chains just try to convince you why. Sounds like that didn't work out so well for you.
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by TangoFandango
9/11/2010  3:41:00 PM
Wow, this topic has migrated so far to the right of my screen, I am having to go next door to read the posts!
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by dpalincs
9/29/2010  8:56:00 AM
I know this has all been said already on both sides - for and against AM and other chains - but I just want to say that the thing I love about AM is the community. We all go out for drinks after dancing, and we support one another. It's great to develop as a dancer, and that is very important to me, but I also realize that I am never going to be competing as a pro for a national title or anything, so I was to enjoy the people and the experience as much as the end result. AM is a great place to enjoy the journey! And, I am very happy with my instructor - he is a competative smooth dance pro who works really hard and has significant dance knowledge. I know that it's expensive and that the whole franchise has some very odd restrictions, but you have to weigh the options, and for me, AM has been an overall positive experience. Plus, I get to train with the best in the country because AM has contracts with retired top pros! Thank you AM Ann Arbor!!
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by Jerry
11/5/2010  3:54:00 PM
A friend of mine did just that. He hired a small dance studio for a couple hours in the evening, once a week and had a Professional dance instructor teach a small group of us. It was excellent and only cost us about $15 per hour. Lasted about a year until the studio change hands and was turned into a health clinic.
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by DeadManDancing
10/31/2011  11:00:00 PM
I've taken lessons at a studio that was originally a AM that went independent. And later even taught for a while. There was good instructor training...but alot was also sales. At one point I felt like a cross between a carsalesman/gigalo. I believe that I taught well (maybe a bit dull for some since I always stessed technique). But there was a tremendous pressure to sell SELL SSEELLLL! I eventually left due to being burned out and not receiving additional training after the initial crash course.

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