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Once a Pro, Always a Pro?
Posted by lmstudio
11/18/2011  8:50:00 AM
I wonder if someone might help me to define my status. I was a professional teacher and competitor for almost 10 years back in my 20s. I am now 56 and have not taught or competed in 25 years. Does one revert back to amateur status, or is it as I asked in my Subject line: once a pro, always a pro?
Re: Once a Pro, Always a Pro?
Posted by lorenabravo
11/19/2011  8:32:00 PM

My understanding is that one can regain their amateur status after a 2 year hiatus from competing and teaching. I don't know if anyone has heard otherwise...

I'll ask around a bit and see if this information is accurate, but I'm fairly certain that after such a long break from dancing that you could easily claim yourself as an amateur.

Re: Once a Pro, Always a Pro?
Posted by terence2
11/22/2011  11:00:00 PM

This happens more frequently than may be imagined.

Write to the governing dance body in your locale, and inform them of your intentions.. its just a formality .
Re: Once a Pro, Always a Pro?
Posted by belleofyourball
11/21/2011  11:38:00 PM
terence is...as always correct. A letter is the way to go. I've had an occasion to dance with one or two of the gentleman from two different sanctioning boards and they truly are nice people. I couldn't imagine any of them standing in your way. I mean maybe if you are Corky Ballas or one of the Hiltons it would be different ...but if you were you probably wouldn't want to go back to being an amateur.

Anymore many of the amateurs are better dancers than the majority of the so called pros. It isn't universal but far too common and I think that is what takes the objection out of pros returning back to the ranks of the amateurs

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