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Re: male vs. female height
Posted by adrian
6/7/2007  2:08:00 AM
i have the same problem
Re: male vs. female height
Posted by Ray
6/7/2007  7:38:00 AM
Yes, you can be taller. While I am 6 ft, I frequently (every chance I get)dance with 3 ladies that are as tall or taller than I am. One is about 3 inches taller. They are fun to dance with because they "dance tall" too. No lady is fun to dance with if she slumps and tries to be shorter. A tall lady allows the male to stretch his steps and sway in a way that many shorter women cannot do. Don't get me wrong. It is fun to dance with shorter women too but I must confess that it is difficult to dance a waltz with someone that is seven inches shorter.

Bravo for the tall lady. Guys, if you are not dancing with them because of your ego - try it just a few times (until you get used to the way the other dances) and you will find that dancing with a tall lady is great for your ego - and hopefully hers too.
Re: male vs. female height
Posted by Dancing4HIM
2/4/2009  12:47:00 PM
Ray, I'm fairly new on this site and have found Dance Talk to be wonderful and so helpful, particularly replies such as yours (and Ellen's too).
I'm about 5'8-1/2 in heels and occasionally dance with a man who I love dancing with, but he's a bit shorter than I - I think he enjoys dancing with me too. However, for a few weeks now, I've been concerned about height! By the way, my girlfriend who is 4" taller than I, is VERY concerned, rather self-conscious about her height. Another thing: It seems like most of the women at one of the places I dance, wear pretty spike- heels. (I'm a bit concerned about their backs!) But getting to the point, your encouragement to DANCE TALL and NOT SLUMP and everything else you said was very, very encouraging. In a few replies, I've read "Dancing into your knees." This is a "dumb" question, but does this mean a tall woman can dance BR and Latin dances with shorter men with her knees bent? And one more thing...Are lower heels as attractive as high heels?
Thanks again.
Re: male vs. female height
Posted by Tree
8/18/2016  11:09:00 AM
What if u r 177cm tall...and your a girl 😅

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