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Mixing Fun Social Dance Nights with Serious Technical Mastery Skills: Can It Work?
Posted by Peter Kosmas
2/13/2024  1:37:00 AM
I've been passionately involved in social dancing for several years, embracing both Latin and ballroom styles. My journey has been a blend of attending social dance events and taking numerous private lessons over the years. However, like many, I've experienced intermittent breaks in my dancing routine due to the pandemic.

I'm currently a member of a dance school that emphasizes the joy and social engagement of dancing, which I thoroughly enjoy. Despite this, I've started to recognize that while I'm familiar with a broad range of dances, there seems to be room for improvement in my technique. It appears that my instructor prioritizes maintaining the fun and social atmosphere of our classes over focusing on technical mastery.

This makes sense because the school prioritizes a good time and making dance feel accessible over perfecting every little step. And I'm all for it – the parties are a blast, and it's a great place to practice moves and routines.

But, I've realized that even as I improve my steps and routines, my technique isn't getting much better.
This observation has prompted me to consider enrolling in another dance school that emphasizes the technical components and teaches international styles, alongside my current lessons.
The idea is to find a balance where I can continue to relish the social aspects of my current school while also pushing my technical skills to a new level.

I'm curious to hear from anyone who has experienced a similar situation. Have you found success in joining a second school that focuses more on technique? How did you manage to integrate the learnings from both environments without overwhelming yourself?
Is it wise ?
i really like dancing social , but i want to master the technique and aspects of international dancing.

I value any advice or insights you can offer on navigating this dual approach to dance education.

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