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Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by Erika Leigh
11/23/2008  5:43:00 PM

I'd love to come to your studio, if only I lived in London! I live in Massachusetts, USA and we've got nothing like that here. It's very frustrating!
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by ByeByeAM
11/17/2008  9:32:00 PM
Arthur Murray instructors are basically students who have had 1 more lesson than you and are thus called instructors.
that is probably why they have decreased from about 3000 studios to about 220 in the last 40 years
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by Belleofyourball
11/17/2008  11:13:00 PM
Be careful what you believe Erica, I heard the same line about not being able to teach me a new step every lesson because of management. In fact I heard it in 2 different Astaire franchises.

Truth is no one I've ever seen can learn a new step every lesson and still be good. There is too much to every step for that to work and still be teaching you proper footwork, arms, posture, style of dance, etc....no matter how talented you are.

Its a Fred Astaire tactic, also used in car sales. You have a relationship with your instructor, he deepens the bond by creating a shared enemy, the management. He wants to help you but he can't, he is a victim of corporate greed just like you. Its a nasty little trick and it works far too often.
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by Erika Leigh
11/23/2008  5:47:00 PM

Interesting you say that, it's nice to hear that someone else has been told that as well. The only problem is that I sort of believe my instructor because he's been dancing for 18 years and didn't start at FADS...I will definitely have to be more cautious though. Thank you!

If anyone knows of any studios around Springfield, MA, USA besides FADS and Arthur Murray that are any good, please let me know!
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by Belleofyourball
11/23/2008  9:40:00 PM
I can't get this to log on normally. Erika you are crazy lucky. In Springfield you have the chance to dance with one of the best pros around. This guy and his partner actually compete and do well, Gunnar and Daryll. I haven't danced with either of them, but look what they've won.


It's how you know they are good. If your instructor at FADS is so good then he should have an equally impressive resume. It should include non-Astaire competitions. Particularly the Ohio Star Ball. Unless of course you are dancing so you can have affection and attention in which case, stick with them. They are obviously good at making you feel good.

Try this studio. Try walking in and feeling what it feels like. Give them more then one lesson, and know they are going to be tired next week because they just got done competing at Ohio.

If you have talent, then find someone who can develop it. By the way, at FADS I was dancing with a guy who had taught there for 25-years and was the main instructor for all other instructors in the region. He couldn't hold a candle to what I'm getting now. No I'm not having as much fun, but I'm actually getting my money's worth. You should be getting that too.
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by I hate arthur murray
11/20/2008  7:14:00 PM
Arthur Murray is just a money maker the teachers are not qualified and have no integrity. I was at the Sydney studio and there was a female teacher who would date her male students all the time at first she would pass it off as gossip but when personal photos of her surfaced there was little she could do. She managed to split up a couple only to then gloat to everyone about her relationship when it was obvious the studio wasn't going to do anything. The female student ended up leaving eventually but only after the teacher gave her such a hard time. Everyone just stood around and watched from the sidelines no one had the decency to fire this teacher. She was a horrible dancer as well.
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by ldn8504
11/26/2008  10:26:00 PM
Nicely worded, Passion for dance! I work for Arthur Murray as well. I'm very proud of it! I'm tempted to say that this person who is complaining about the studio had a bad instructor..maybe not on the dancing level, but obviously on some level there wasn't a connection made. It really is fulfilling when your wedding couples bring in pictures and dvd's of their weddings and share those memories with you. And aside from the sappiness of this, can you argue with the fact that AMI has produced some of the finest amatuer and professional dancers out there?? I am very proud of the company I work for and it's heritage, and my franchisee as well. I'm sure you'll know who I'm talking about, she's been dancing for 60 plus years and has performed with Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra. She is the oldest franchisee in AMI and has been with the company since Arthur Murray himself was teaching. She was a student of his at one point. If that alone doesn't impress you about the company, then think more of the dancing. To be able to say that you danced with someone who's name means so much in the ballroom world is phenominal. I'm very sorry that this person had a bad experience and wish them the best of luck in their future dancing.
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by Anonymous
11/27/2008  9:50:00 PM
Im sorry comparing AM teachers to International trained instructers the two do not compare. The amount of money AM teachers charge is ridiculous considering the vast majority of AM teachers do not have a name nor the experience to evn charge the ridiculous amount of money for lessons, when one can have a lesson from well known instructors worldwide in the international arena for half the amount. I have been to both AM studios and international. I found the teachers at AM did not go into as much detail when teaching technique and it seemed that $2000 bought me 10 steps which i learned until I made a further payment of $1000 which bought me another 5 steps, of course I would be going over the same steps with no more focus on technique continually until it was decided I could move up a level. The international world of ballroom dancers have more more recognition than anyone at AM. I have made my choice as have hundreds of others as proven on this thread
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by DanceTheNightAway
11/28/2008  9:06:00 PM
I am an instructior at Arthur Murray. And something that alot of people fail to realize or even care about is that, AM hosts most of the major ballroom comps, many pros out there who have won titles are associated one way or another with AM.

And I dont know about your area, but where I teach, the people who run the independent studios, were the ones that could not cut it at AM, either teaching or competing wise.

So be vary careful where you spend your money.

Think, would you rather spend your money at an independent fly by night studio or at a studio that is owned by one of the oldest franchises in history for almost 100 years and survived the depression and the World War, and still kept growing strong?
Re: Arthur Murray Stinks
Posted by Anonymous
12/1/2008  5:40:00 PM
AM is the only studio to advertise for new staff offering a job as a dance teacher without any experience as long as you love to dance!!!!! The teachers are not qualified. PERIOD. International dance studios are run by people who have dedicated their whole lives to dancing and have competed around the world in major comps including blackpool the most famous dance comp - AM teaches dance from a social aspect not a competitive aspect that is a hell of a lot of money to spend on dance lessons to learn to dance socially, and why is it that the fred astaire studio and AM studio who both teach american smooth yet have different syllabus'. At least with an international studio you can learn the same syllabus from any city in any country around the world, without having to start all over again. AM is a MONEYMAKER the teachers charge a flat rate regardless of their experience this is wrong! $140 a lesson with an AM teacher who is the co franchisee with 10 years AM experience or $140 a lesson with new teacher with a jazz background who has spent the last 3 months learning from a teacher at the studio and watching dvd's to learn the steps? It's not rocket science. You can defend the studio as much as you like. It does not cost $10,000 to learn 2 levels. I am an accomplished piano player it did not cost me $20,000 to learn to play the piano in 2 years.

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