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Re: Salsa Dancing Confusion
Posted by terence2
11/6/2014  4:41:00 AM

Vaco.. please do not read something into my response, that was implying that heel leads were OK. From a strict ballroom technical explanation ( to which you constantly refer ) then yes, that's the mantra. And ,if you want your "latin ", to look like "cookie cutter " dancing, have at it ( You also should know, that I was raised in the B/room style, with the likes of Laird etc.and have trained Prof to the highest comp. levels )

Point is..IF you knew the heritage of salsa ( Cuban Casino and Son ) you would know that, Cubans DO use heel leads. But, I guess we English have always felt we know better about anothers culture( we English , often have that arrogant approach ).

Do I agree with heel leads in ALL matters..No... and.. I do teach my students a Ball/flat approach, going on to explain that there are significant differences between indigenous styles, and those of B/room .Also, heel leads in some instances , are deemed correct.

Bottom line.... ya see.. "latinos" are not hung up on "correctness " by and large, BUT, they dance with more sabor and understanding about its roots, than most on the planet !!.

Teaching ( which I've been doing for many moons ) is about adaption ,as ALL techniques, are not necessarily compatible to all genres.

"Styles " dictate, as a norm ,the best approach.

As Scrivener said.. "No technique is inflexible, it may change to suit circumstance" sic .

Re: Salsa Dancing Confusion
Posted by Voco
11/6/2014  3:51:00 PM
Thanks for throwing some light on the subject. On the major points, we agree.
Re: Salsa Dancing Confusion
Posted by O.K.
11/7/2014  1:45:00 PM
Salsa is not just a club dance. They have competitions. Also they have there own World Championships. At this stage just like, Rock and Roll. It can become very acrobatic. Not much good in a club atmosphere. Would not be allowed anyway. The championship I witnessed, the moves, I don't think would be done in the street either.
Re: Salsa Dancing Confusion
Posted by dancer
11/16/2014  7:42:00 PM
Hi SalsaLover,

It sounds like somewhere in your dance journey you haven't crossed paths yet with someone who can teach you to follow.Some Instructors just teach steps so the students don't develop a true sense of following.If you learn how to follow you will have the freedom to keep dancing any style you like when you go to socials. I go Ballroom and Club dancing and have a great time:)!

If you learn Rhythm Mambo you will be able to do Club Salsa easily.Not only that if your female and you have a good Instructor looking after your technique and following skills you will enjoy and look better on the dance floor.

Good luck on your journey!
Re: Salsa Dancing Confusion
Posted by terence2
11/25/2014  12:00:00 AM

Just one comment on " Following ".

The different styles of salsa are as diverse as Cuban Rumba is, to the Intern.style of Rumba .

Some styles are danced on 2 and others on 1. The Hold and frame is often different, and, comparing Cali style for e.g. to NY style, they are worlds apart. It really depends upon ones locale that will dictate the most popular style being danced .
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