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Re: I think American is CRAP 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by terence2
6/17/2011  9:16:00 AM
You do realise that its nearly 4 yrs since he posted ?

Wonder how he got on ?
Re: I think American is CRAP 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by francoT
6/17/2011  2:41:00 PM
I dance both American Style and International, mostly Latin Dances. I do it for social dancing only which I enjoyed so much. When I first learned to dance, it happened to be American style, I did not know the difference between the two at that time. Then I was in a dance party and I saw couples dancing differently and I said, HOLY COW! They look gorgeous with that dance. I asked where they learned those steps and I was told that it's International style. My personal opinion is that International style looks nicer than American because you have more freedom of body movements, partners don't close hold as much. So I started learning International and it was so easy for me ( piece of cake) because of my knowledge of the American style.

When I go to parties, I dance American style because the dance floor is crowded and American style is more appropriate. However, when I perform for entertainment at parties, I use International style. What I can say is that American style is not A CRAP and I am glad that I knew American style before learning International. Now, I used both styles depending on the occasion. To me dancing is fun regardless of the style. I am just glad that I learned how to dance and everyone should to enjoy life, YES?
Re: I think American is CRAP 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by quickstep7
6/22/2011  5:03:00 AM
It does sound like you have a bit of a problem and you need to control your anger. But if your technique is crap you cannot blame the syllabus, it is your teachers fault. My advice is not to change syllabus as you will get little benefit from doing the American or International syllabus. My advice to you is CHANGE TEACHERS and soon.
Re: I think American is CRAP 1 year in the Garbage
Posted by terence2
6/23/2011  10:05:00 PM
Read the DATE of his post
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