I agree with the answere that Samba is the hardest of all the dances. We are not talking physical here, but timing and technique. Changing from one rhythm to another, and keeping time and in phrase with the music. For starters. Eight bar phrasing. Try timing Cruzados Walks x 2 and lock. Then repeat. You have a timing of 1. 1. 1/2. 1/2 1. which then repeats 1. 1. 1/2. 1/2. 1. There we have four bars completed . Add four Cucarachas. Give each 1/2. 1/2 .1. That's another Four bars We follow this with Boto Fogos x 4 which are 3/4. 1/4. 1. That is, twelve bars bars all up so far. Who would like to finish this with another four bars of whatever to complete sixteen bars which is two eights in phrase and to start again on our left foot. This is solo practise and warm up. And again if any person thinks that Samba is easy just wait till you do Promenade and Counter Promenade Runs. 3/4. 1/2. 3/4. 3/4. 1/2. 3/4. 3/4. 1/2. 3/4. A judge who knows his stuff will imediately know if the timing is correct or not. Try to get used to the idea that if in your routine which is correctly phrased, you decide that you would like to take some part out that you don't like, say two bars, you must put two bars of something else in its place.