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Re: Oh, my!
Posted by Telemark
3/22/2011  7:08:00 AM
In the ballroom hold we have one half a body thickness, thats us, plus the whole body of a partner. It goes without saying that not everybody is exactly the same build and that there is a great difference between partnerships

Well, I'm glad we've cleared that up.
Re: Oh, my!
Posted by intabfab
3/22/2011  8:20:00 AM
As a former pro/am dancer who turned pro teacher, I appreciate waltz123's defense. True, I started in a franchise studio where JJ's take may apply, but my passion and dedication to dance quickly told me to get out and find a better place! Maybe I'm an expection to rule, but that's the point, there is an exception to every rule.

Still, based on just quality of information and skills of debate, JJ you fall very short. Especially since you intentionally misinterpreted the last line of sarcasm in waltz123' post. Maybe you just can't teach an old dog new tricks!

To Waltz123 - Shakira wrote a song in which I feel the lyrics of the chorus apply and may bring understanding ;)
"I'd rather eat my soup with a fork
Or drive a cab in New York
Cuz to talk to you is harder work
So what's the point of wasting all my words
If it's just the same or even worse
Than reading poems to a horse"

Re: Oh, my!
Posted by silver
3/22/2011  10:44:00 AM
In the ballroom hold we have one half a body thickness, thats us, plus the whole body of a partner. It goes without saying that not everybody is exactly the same build and that there is a great difference between partnerships

Telemark, I'm still confused as to what happens to the other 1/2 of my body. I accept that we are not all the same thickness. But what am I missing here? With 1/2 of my body thickness plus a whole body thickness of let's say, my teacher, where does that leave the other 1/2 of my body in the "ballroom hold"? In metaphysical terms, does the other 1/2 even exist? If it doesn't, then does it really take two to tango because apparently, I've been doing it with only 1-1/2. And with that 1/2 missing, wouldn't that throw the whole moment of inertia in the partnership out from the perceived center of the ballroom hold? Is there a theoretical physicist on this site? I'm in need of consultation.
Re: Oh, my!
Posted by Anonymous
3/24/2011  6:48:00 PM
Silver Contrary to your belief our arms start at half the thickness of our bodies. If they started behind our shoulder blades the story would be different.
Re: Oh, my!
Posted by Telemark
3/25/2011  7:55:00 AM
Contrary to your belief our arms start at half the thickness of our bodies. If they started behind our shoulder blades the story would be different.

If my partner's arms started behind her shoulder blades, I might go for your proposition (although in relation to what, or to what purpose, defeats me), but as my parnter is quite normal, we subscribe eaxctly half each, and therefore, dance as one.
Re: Men as followers
Posted by anymouse
3/31/2011  9:17:00 AM
"I would like to compete with my female instructor at Pro Am Competitions as a leader and a follower.

I competed in Bronze in 1999 and 2000 as a leader and did very well, but I am toying with the idea of doing twice as many entries by competing as a follower and a leader.

Can this be done? I am interested in Ohio Star Ball for one of the comps"

Not at a traditional ballroom competition, but there are alternative ones for same-sex partnerships where lead/follow changes are expected. There might perhaps be something in that world which you and your (opposite sex, professional) teacher could fit into, at least its worth researching.
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