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Re: Professionals and amatures
Posted by Don
11/10/2005  6:18:00 PM
Laura. The competition that never was.
Doesn't get a mention. That IDSF are a tough mob. They list competitions that no IDSF person is to enter Shanghai Canada Penang and Malasia. In the 50's in the UK a dancer having won everything before him as a junior was making a mark in the Adults, when he entered and danced in a competition on the continent. This at that time was a no no. He received a five year ban which he never came back from, imposed by the British Board of Control. The name was Graham Strowebridge. I often wondered if he had gone to court what would have happened. Today he would have won hands down.
Re: Professionals and amatures
Posted by Anonymous
11/10/2005  8:06:00 PM
yes, the IDSF are a tough mob... last year there were even rumors about possibly banning blackpool. I hope they try because that would be the end of the IDSF, and not a minute too soon.
Re: Professionals and amatures
Posted by 1242134
11/9/2005  6:27:00 PM
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