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Re: Amateur vs. Pro
Posted by Laura
12/28/2005  1:07:00 PM
I think it has made elite-level dancing accessible to more people. And, in places where there are lots of competitive dancers at all levels, it's been a very good thing. However, in places where there are very few competitive dancers, it's made it very difficult for the people who are amateurs in the traditional sense of the word. If there were more of us around then we'd have the different "level" circuits like they have in the UK. Like, a top IDSF-eligible dancer like Chris Hawkins (before he turned pro) wouldn't be caught dead competing at a "Sunday Circuit" competition in England, it just wouldn't be challenging or prestigious enough for someone who could make it as a pro if they wanted. But, lots of local folks who do competitions as a hobby like to be in these events, and like that there is one within driving distance practically every week of the year. We don't have an equivalent to this in the US: there's the collegiate competitions, and then the big competitions that the pseudo-pros go to, and there's not much in between to keep a hobbyist dancer from getting frustrated. After all, there are still people doing this purely for fun.
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