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Re: American Style???
Posted by kaiara
5/3/2009  9:23:00 AM
For me, the point of the lines is that it FEELS good. I enjoy knowing that what I am doing is both for my partner and I to enjoy and is pleasing to the eye. Same reason I used to ride Dressage--it was a joy to fit so subtly with my equine partner--and useful on trail rides too. LOL!

I enjoy knowing I look good dancing, even if hubby and I are dancing alone.
Re: American Style???
Posted by IconDance
6/22/2007  10:29:00 AM
One of the bigger differences I've noticed between the two....especially with the latin dances, is the latin motion. In American Rhythm, we step onto a bent knee. It's interesting trying to dance say, Rumba, with my friend who teaches Intn. Style.

I do have one question about this ( I posted a message about it). In International Rhythm, is the frame used the same as smoooth or standard dances? It's something I see at the International studio I visit, and I catch myself wanting to correct it, but not sure if I am in the wrong.
no subject
Posted by terence2
8/27/2008  4:30:00 AM
First-- Not Intern Rhumba.-- It is Intern. Latin.

The frame and posture in latin , can go thru various changes during the course of a given dance .
Its like comparing apples to oranges-- both fruit== both from a tree-- but different flavors .

Amer. style " rhythm ", has many similarities ( and many things identical ) to Intern Latin . The techniques, sometimes, take different paths .
The most obvious examples, are the commencement of Cha. And Rhumba ( in bronze ) is still Square ( the way we USED to dance it )

have done several dissertations on the authenticity of the Latin genre .Its posted on-- salsa forums -- also some postings on -- dance forums .
These will give you a much better understanding , about the development of the dances we " choose " to include in our social and competitive arena .
Re: American Style???
Posted by nucat78
3/25/2008  1:37:00 PM
I believe RHUMBA is the international spelling.
Re: American Style???
Posted by Serendipidy
3/25/2008  1:58:00 PM
As it is with the Australian New Vogue as well as the American Smooth there is no Quickstep Tempo. To get a Quickstep we have to borrow one from English Old Time called the Mayfair Quickstep. Not for use in competitions though. There is a patent on it.
Re: American Style???
Posted by SocialDancer
3/25/2008  4:13:00 PM
The Mayfair is not really a quickstep, more of a swing (English Old Time, not East or West Coast).

It was published in 1956 so depending on the prevailing laws it could be regarded as out of copyright now.
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