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Re: Once a Pro, Always a Pro?
Posted by terence2
5/21/2018  2:56:00 AM
Thank you for those kind words. " Always ?" wish I were that perfect !!.. And. your response is spot on
Re: Once a Pro, Always a Pro?
Posted by Anonymous
11/20/2011  1:40:00 PM
Imstudio. It is within the rules that a former Professional can revert back to an Amateur. It has been done before, and the same rule must apply to anyone and everyone. What is good for the Goose is good for the Gander to quote a phrase.
Apart from that the structure has changed over 25 years. i doubt if any information or details from that long ago are still around today. Anyway at the present we have top Amateurs openly teaching more pupils today than you ever saw. And earning much more than you ever did.
Re: Once a Pro, Always a Pro?
Posted by terence2
11/21/2011  6:28:00 AM

Im not sure to whom your post is directed ?
Re: Once a Pro, Always a Pro?
Posted by lmstudio
11/21/2011  8:39:00 AM
My post is directed to anyone who might know the answer to my question. I figured that there may be some pros on the forum that would be able to answer, or maybe someone in the same position as me. I was filling out some online forms to look for a dance partner in my geographical area and was unsure about how to classify myself. I was also curious about what would happen if I ever decided to compete again.
Re: Once a Pro, Always a Pro?
Posted by terence2
11/21/2011  11:23:00 PM
My response was directed at the post that implied there were "many Amats " etc.

As to pros on the site, yes, there are several of us. I gave you an answer from empirical evidence about one of my former students, who went from Amat to Pro. back to Amat, and is now Pro ( and making semis and finals in Standard ).

There has to be a time lapse, before re entering the comp. arena and has to be approved .
Re: Once a Pro, Always a Pro?
Posted by lorenabravo
12/5/2011  2:23:00 PM
Hi! Okay, I got ahold of one of the officers of the PDF, and I was told that there would be no problem for you to reclaim your amateur status. You simply need to write a letter to Judi Hatton (VP of the NDCA). Here's the link to her page on the NDCA website. You'll see her email address there:


Let her know your situation. She'll get back to you right away (telling you that yes, you can be an amateur), and then you will need to register with the NDCA as an amateur before your first competition, or you can skip this part if you end up doing pro-am.

Sorry it took me so long to get this info for you. Best of luck with your dancing, and welcome back!

Re: Once a Pro, Always a Pro?
Posted by lmstudio
12/7/2011  8:16:00 AM
Thank you, Lorena, for pursuing this for me. I remember Judi from my former pro days. I will follow up on this in the near future.
Re: Once a Pro, Always a Pro?
Posted by Jeanne Bourgeois
5/20/2018  7:26:00 PM

I find myself in the same boat! Taught & competed professionally through the Fred Astaire system, quit dancing over 25 yrs ago. Now at 53, find my taking group classes with my spouse & being asked to teach. Perhaps I'll write to Ms. Hatton as well. Many thanks for all the good advice.
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