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Buying Ballroom Dance Shoes Near Me
Posted by Peter Nelson
2/16/2022  6:24:00 PM
Last year I started ballroom dance lessons at Arthur Murray in Burlington Massachusetts, a town about 30 miles NW of Boston. I live up by the NH border. I bought some leather-soled shoes by Bloch at a store in Cambridge but that's a real schlep from where I live and city driving is a pain. The Blochs are working out well for most of the dance styles I'm learning, except for tango, where the longer strides are making me slip and slide on the slippery floor at AM's studio, so I want to get some suede-soled shoes for tango.

Because I have an unusual-shaped foot I'd like to buy my shoes locally so I can try them on, but I'm having a hard time finding any stores in the greater Boston area that sell ballroom dance shoes. The greater Boston MSA has a population of 4.9 million people so you'd think there would some stores around here that sell ballroom dance shoes. My teachers only knew the names of two of them - the one in Cambridge and another one even farther away that I've been trying to contact for two days with no luck so I think they're out of business. Google searches for "dance shoes" near me only find jazz and performance dance shoes (tap, ballet, etc, not ballroom). Regular and department-store shoe stores know nothing. Any suggestions for finding a store in this area that sell ballroom dance shoes?

PS - if it's this hard to find shoes around here, what will it be like to find places to dance when my skills are up?

Thanks in advance!
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