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getting into competitive ballroom
Posted by alleincali
2/27/2008  11:45:00 AM
what is the best plan for becoming a competitive ballroom dancer? I am an intermediate level dancer and was told by an instructor to drop out of school, take private lessons, and practice 5 or so days a week. Does this sound right? How many privates should I take per week? Also, I am 24, is this too old?
Re: getting into competitive ballroom
Posted by slowfox
2/27/2008  4:02:00 PM
Are you just interested in competing, or do you want this as your profession? Dancing can be very rewarding as a hobby and a sport, and you can go a long way if you work hard. (You don't necessarily have to forgo your other ambitions). Did you want to teach dancing? Do you really understand the life of a professional ballroom dancer? There are many great amateur dancers as well. I would make sure you have a REALLY good understanding of how the "world of ballroom" works before you drop out of school. You are not to old to dance (heck no), but you would have a hard time starting this late if you want to be successful as a COMPETETOR as your "profession".
Re: getting into competitive ballroom
Posted by 5lisamarie
2/27/2008  6:05:00 PM
Good luck to you........

Use caution when deciding to "drop out of school".....and when trusting any individaul that advises you bluntly to do so. There is no reason that you can't do both (school and dance)and it is unwise to burn bridges.
Re: getting into competitive ballroom
Posted by terence2
2/28/2008  12:41:00 AM
If its in Latin-- maybe-- If Standard-- a much better chance of success thru longevity ( obviously including talent ! )

First consideration-- do you have a partner who is willing to make the same sacrifices it needs ?.

before you commit-- keep your daytime job- work and practice nites and w/ends ( EVERY day ) for at least 6 months- you will then begin to understand the dedication ( and time ) that is needed to progress thru the ranks .
Lastly--- weekly coaching is imperative--and, if you are in a financial position to devote full time ( as well as your partner ) then go right ahead
Re: getting into competitive ballroom
Posted by jofjonesboro
6/6/2008  5:54:00 PM
If you're making an important life decision based on what a dance instructor tells you then you are a world-class fool.

The US economy is heading for troubles that haven't been seen since the 1930's. Making a living from dancing will become increasingly more difficult.

Even if all you want to do is compete, there is no reason for you to drop out of school.

Finish your education.

Re: getting into competitive ballroom
Posted by Serendipidy
6/7/2008  2:45:00 PM
alleincali. As jofjonesboro said. Finish your education !!!.
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