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Eating disorders in dancers
Posted by dancebabe
5/30/2001  6:28:00 PM
I am writing an essay in my english class about anorexia and other eating disorders that dancers go through in their career. I would appreciate any truthful stories about going through any of this. If you have a story about you or someone you know that ha s gone through this, please let me know. Thank you soo much!
-Rache ;-p 0
re: Eating disorders in dancers
Posted by Frank
6/11/2001  10:41:00 AM
Many excellent pro ladies are not teeny tiny size 2 women<

FWIW, I find that many slightly heavier ladies tend to have better connection with the floor, and are often easier to connect with as partners, in terms of feeling what each other is doing movement-wise - especially when their movement is good. Some very light ladies can feel like refrigerators (if untrained) or emptiness (if they have no power and strong floor connection) to move with. I also find it very satisfying to be able to distinctly feel a lady's moving mass in the Latin & Rhythm dances telegraphed through the light hand connection - even though I find very small ladies more attractive off the floor. Just my one cent - YMMV. Maybe what it comes down to, is both partners' ability to equally contribute to the shared physical effort and powering of good lead/follow movement.

re: Eating disorders in dancers
Posted by LovelyIsabella
6/1/2001  5:54:00 PM

My reply doesn't relate a true story about myself...but I just thought that I would mention that I feel that ballroom dancing has done a fairly good job of encouraging fitness over thin-ness. Many excellent pro ladies are not teeny tiny size 2 women. I think that it is wonderful to see a woman who looks muscular and confidant showing her strength on the floor...I hope that we continue to encourage our champions to be strong and fit rather than torturing themselves to be so thin that they become unhealthy...go to any comp. and you will quickly see that it is largely women competing at the pro/am levels, and most studios have more male teachers than females...so, women are paying most of the bills here...maybe that's why the women pros are so beautiful and _powerful_!

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