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Re: Competitions
Posted by belleofyourball
3/13/2010  10:43:00 PM
Simple enough question :~} It depends on how you want to proceed. You can either find a partner and start working toward competing in amateur competitions or you can find a competent pro and do pro am.

Actually either way the most important thing is to find a competent instructor because you'll need one to improve your skills. To find one you like go to a couple of comps and watch the pros until you find one who looks like a good fit. Then go sit in and listen into one or two of his/her lessons to see if they teach in a way that is compatible with how you learn. If you can find a partner it's great but it isn't mandatory and some people don't want one at all. It is up to you...follow your bliss.
Re: Competitions
Posted by Ladydance
3/14/2010  6:46:00 AM
As Belle said, you don't need a partner if you go Pro-Am. However, this is an expensive option. If you want to compete as an amateur, I don't see how you can do that without a partner. You need to train together and have good working relationship. There has to be some chemistry if you are dancing latin. So, yes, find a partner, then find a pro who teaches competitive couples.
Re: Competitions
Posted by belleofyourball
3/15/2010  11:23:00 AM
Yes...very expensive. It will be cheaper to go amateur and if you can it's smart. But then comps are expensive no matter how you look at it.
Re: Competitions
Posted by Dancer
3/20/2010  6:03:00 AM
If you are just starting you should just take lessons in technique first and don't think too much about a partner yet.If you have or look like you are trying to craft your dance correctly you will attract the right kind of dance parter.

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