| I wanted to know if anyone has a schedule, or lesson plans.  For either American or International. I know there is a Dancevision manual, that gives you the lesson plans to learn all the American Rhythm Bronze Level, on a 8 month schedule. (Well, it an be adjusted to your students learning curve.) The manual says, it has steps, that need to be taught together, for easier comprehension. I know they have many years of experience, to offer in this manual. I really wanted to take advantage of that, and not have to "Re-invent the Wheel". Well, it's a $100. Our studio is new, and on a VERY tight budget. Need I say more! I wanted to know, if there is a website, or another option. Just until we get started. Anyones opinion, help, or experiences with this, please let me know! Thanks, So Much! ScottyBoysDoll |
| A new studio - and no one on the staff who knows how, or what, to teach. Hmm.
Don't want to sound hostile, but do your customers know? |
| You are so absurd! I am the student! We do not have staff, it is a mom & pop studio. Besides I am sooooo tired of asking a question on this site. Then people write ugly things back! You are being hostile, and snippy, too! >  It is people just like you, just down right mean spirited, & ugly, that take the joy from beginners, like me. I have only been dancing 3 years. I just wanted to know if there was a Lesson Guide to follow, so I could be a better student & dancer! SO, please do NOT answer back, I want to hear from someone who has fun with dance. Possibly, someone that loves to dance as much as I do! AND has a POSITIVE  ATTITUDE! Thank You, for your time. ScottyBoysDoll |
| For the student to be seeking lesson plans on behalf of the studio is a bit unusual.
A student owning / managing a studio is not unheard of and can work - that's business more than dancing. But you can't hand your teachers a book and say "teach this" - you need to have someone on the teaching team whose experience, expertise, and judgement you trust.
Beware of boxed solutions, even with an in-person kickoff session - a week or two later you are back to just your local live-human resources - they are what are going to make or break it for you. |
| Oh, yes! I do realize my question was unusual. I have been with our studio, for a little while, and I try to help anyway I can. I buy videos,I help with dances, ect. I figure that anything I do to help improve our studio, and thier teaching just benefits me in the long term. I do know that trusting my teacher's knowledge base is a must! But I still check every step, against the manual, and get a second opinion, if I think I need to. I thought this type of schedule would benefit me, and my husband, while we practice in the evenings. We take lots of private lessons, & lots of group classes, but we still have to practice at home because we do so many different dances. Have A Great Evening, ScottyBoysDoll |
| Don't answer back. That's my choice, not yours. Absurd. Down right mean spirited, & ugly. I've made a friend! Besides I am sooooo tired of asking a question on this site. Well don't, then. For what its worth, I do have detailed lesson plans. I have a structured syllabus, which takes complete beginners through fundamental principles and movements up to intermediate level (Silver) figures. I record, class by class, my own assessment of their progress, and tweak the next class plan to play to strengths and weaknesses. This takes time and effort, and the syllabus (which includes the amalgamations and 'routines' taught, as well as being a list of figures) is entirely my own, based on my professional training, teaching experience and knowledge. If I could have bought a substitute for just $100 I would have bought two, given the hours I have invested in the work. My business objective is to have students who enjoy dancing, and who look forward to their next class or lesson as one of the highlights of their week. I dance six days a week, and I want to pass on some of that passion for dance to at least some of my students. I don't recognise the concept of "mom & pop studios". There are studios with properly trained and experienced instructors, and there are other studios. |
| Well, Tele-whatever, "America was built on "mom & pop" business. I have found them to be better than chain stores, that try to take you & your wallet for a ride!" And I will NOT quit asking for help, because I love the challenge of perfect tech. in my dancing, more than I hate people who say ugly things! Actually I would prefer years of experience teaching, rather than any book of lesson plans! Because no book can replace that! I live in the middle of no where Texas! I have limited resources, it is 6 hours drive to Dallas! So, I will just have to let people like you,in a wonderful studio like yours, just look down on us plain old folks, that just dance for joy! Anyway, whatever! Good Bye! |
| I really do understand where you are "coming " from... however..
From a seasoned Prof., ( and pretty much all my colleagues agree )it is an ongoing problem in our profession ( in all genres ) that there are numerous people who believe that teaching dance is a"secondary " occupation, that will provide additional income, and then procede to "set up " shop.
"They", by and large,have generally been found to be lacking in the most necessary skills to teach the MOST important student,, the Beginner.. the foundation of teaching ALL dance, is a complete understanding of the basic concepts..and just teaching " steps " really doesnt make it !!..
BUT.. I do see you dilemma, and it is a "free " market place.. and yes.. you have the best intentions, but to ask other Profs for "free "advice to go into business, always raises the hackles of those of us who have had to put countles yrs into our profession at no small cost.
As you may have read on this forum, there are several of us who are more than willing to assist in the technical sides of dance , and also some business related subjects, so please dont "paint " those who may dis agree with your request ,in a cavalier fashion ..
I do wish you well in your quest,but I think you should write down your format ( teaching wise ) and submit it to a teacher in your region , for comment .Bare in mind, you need to satisfy your local clientels needs...
| Tele-whatever What a rude woman! I don't think that being six hours from anywhere (even Dallas) justifies heaping abuse on a stranger. I think I will take my leave from this rather bizarre topic. I have more fruitful ways to spend my time. |
| Hello, There is no lesson plans for dancing. Yes there is class like 8 weeks and stuff but it will depand on the dancers for exp you will learn different then me, the best thing if u have teachers in your dance school you should take lesson from them and they will see how you pick up the step of the dances you want to learn. Other here is my e-mail you can e-mail and if u do not live far from where I do i can come and teach and it will not cost alot. DanceCBAnton@gmail.com |
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