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Men as followers
Posted by dancesportdave
3/12/2011  11:39:00 PM
I would like to compete with my female instructor at Pro Am Competitions as a leader and a follower.

I competed in Bronze in 1999 and 2000 as a leader and did very well, but I am toying with the idea of doing twice as many entries by competing as a follower and a leader.

Can this be done? I am interested in Ohio Star Ball for one of the comps

Re: Men as followers
Posted by jofjonesboro
3/13/2011  12:40:00 AM
If you're doing pro/am then you're already competing as a follower.

Re: Men as followers
Posted by ClumsyFellow
3/13/2011  6:02:00 AM
Yep, what he said . . .
Re: Men as followers
Posted by silver
3/14/2011  6:47:00 AM
I bet it's true that in pro-am competitions, the amateurs follow a lot. That's also a sad commentary on the sport. I would hope there would be less back leading. I realize that the dancers, especially the pros, are concerned with how they look before the judges and audience, but I hope the judges pick up on the back leading and judge accordingly by giving fewer points to those who do back lead. My professional instructor expects me to lead her as I have been instructed to do, and though she might go where she thinks I want her if the lead during a show weren't the best, I would hear about it later, in a nice way. Thats what I pay her for.
Re: Men as followers
Posted by dancesportdave
3/14/2011  11:22:00 AM
Yes I thought that men being back led were marked down.
Re: Men as followers
Posted by Telemark
3/14/2011  12:10:00 PM
If the men could lead properly, why would they want/need to pay a pro partner to dance with them?
Re: Men as followers
Posted by jodymichelle
3/14/2011  9:41:00 AM
oh, ouch. sorry you feel this way and perhaps if this is really the case, the male student needs to find a different teacher. I am a pro and dance pro am with several of my male students and trust me, they lead. that's my job as a professional female instructor.
Re: Men as followers
Posted by Telemark
3/14/2011  12:37:00 PM
. that's my job as a professional female instructor

No, an instructor instructs. and you didn't address my (rhetorical) question: if a man can lead, why would he want/need to dance pro/am (ie pay a dance partner)?
Re: Men as followers
Posted by dancesportdave
3/14/2011  2:27:00 PM
I can lead so I will be happy to tell you why I use a professional instructor.

My instructor knows how to move her body. She can get out of my way. Leading doesn't mean picking up a rag doll and throwing her around the floor. We need partners and not everyone is willing or able to dance at a competitive level.

Do you know any good dancers that have never worked with a professional? I don't. Even the professionals are dancing with other professionals. Would you expect a professional to choose one of his students to dance a championship level competition just to demonstrate his great leading skills? Of course not.

My instructor is paid to NOT backlead. She is paid to help me experience good dancing so that I can replicate the experience with other amateurs.

Now as far as Amateur competitions go, I think they are valuable but I doubt their honesty. I once watched a finals in Atlanta where the nations top amateur couple was dancing.

The lady was ill and she ran off the floor and vomited in the lobby during the final heat.

Not only did she fail to complete the competition but her performance suffered and she was still granted with the #1 trophy. I had never before seen a sports meet where someone abdicated but still won.
Re: Men as followers
Posted by jofjonesboro
3/14/2011  5:17:00 PM
Now as far as Amateur competitions go, I think they are valuable but I doubt their honesty.

Sadly, you're correct. USADance has given up any pretence of integrity to chase after the pro/am dollar.

Not that pro/am competitions ever had any integrity to begin with.


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