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Hello from France
Posted by didierleclercqfrance
3/31/2011  8:10:00 AM
My name is Didier , I'm french and i live in the north of France. I simply search someone to speak about ballroom dances. My english isn't very good!
I'm 53 old and i practise dances since 1994.
Please do not apologize.
Posted by jofjonesboro
3/31/2011  8:14:00 AM
Your English is much, much better than my French.

I'm 62 and have danced since 1997.

How often do you go dancing and what are your favorite dances?

Do you have some questions about ballroom in the US?

Re: Please do not apologize.
Posted by didierleclercqfrance
3/31/2011  8:30:00 AM
My favorite dances are rock'n roll, slox-fox, slow walz but i like all. I go dancing every weekend. I try to keep contact with small dancings.
Can you explain me, how are the ballroom schools or associations in US.
PS) It's the first time i have a correspoundance with an American!
Schools and Assocaitions in the US
Posted by jofjonesboro
3/31/2011  9:06:00 AM
Virtually all ballroom training in the US is provided by private businesses. There is very little training in public schools.

Dance schools in the US are divided into two types: franchise and independent. The largest franchises are Arthur Murray and Fred Astaire. Generally, franchise studios allow only their own instructors to teach in their studios and have their own styles and competitions.

Independent schools are usually owned locally and are run by a teacher (although some are owned by financially successful amateurs). Some independents use only their own instructors but most allow independent teachers to use their floors for a fee.

Most Americans learn the American style of the basic roster of dances. We call American waltz, tango, Fox trot, and Viennese waltz Smooth dances and rumba, cha cha, and swing Rhythmic dances. Rhythmic also includes Mambo and Bolero.

Many Americans also practice what we call International style but what the rest of the planet just calls ballroom. The folks who study International styles usually do so for competition.

There are also other styles which are very popular is the US: salsa, hustle, merengue, samba (American style), and several others. Also very popular are what are called "country and western" styles such as west coast swing and two step.

Quickstep is not in the American roster but has become more popular thanks to television shows.

Most social dancing is done at studio parties but some nightclubs also provide dance floors. Local associations also sponsor dances at local venues with dance floors.

There are numerous private associations involved with ballroom in the US. The major ones are the NDCA (National Dance Council of America - actually a governing body for several other associations) and USADance. USADance used to be the governing body for amateur dancing exclusively but has taken on other roles in recent years.

USADance is comprised of local "chapters" which provide some dance-related services at the local level. USADance also sponsors a few regional and national competitions.

There is also the US version of Britain's ISTD (Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing).

Others on this board can provide you with additional details.


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