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Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by bmaniaci
6/12/2012  4:09:00 AM
I am running a blog of good modern music that can be danced to. It's all organized by dance and I update with new stuff weekly. Ill also be expanding into a few more social and swing dances as my personal playlists grow, I currently have all of the major ballroom dances and then some. Enjoy!

Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by englishjw
6/26/2012  7:05:00 PM
Thank you. I have gotten some good ideas from your blog.
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by Shelly G
9/4/2012  8:37:00 AM
I'm planning my wedding first dance and your blog has been an amazing help!! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this!
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by rmoffettjr
9/21/2012  9:32:00 AM
Hi! I'm sure this situation has arisen before and the question has been asked and answered, but I haven't found it. We go out to various lounges that play all types of dance music: ballroom style, "Freestyle" and "unrecognizable." So, here's my question: the band plays a song and we recognize the song but not the dance associated with it. Last night, the band played "The Look of Love" and "Dream, Dream, Dream" and we sat both of them out. Where can I go to cross reference music to dance?
Thanks, Roy
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by billymarsh
9/27/2012  12:43:00 PM
What your waiting for" by Gwen Stefani would be good for a paso double.
Don't Cha by the PDC would be good for a cha cha.

Senorita by Justin Timberlake is a good cha cha for learning to because its quite slow and controlled

Justin Timberlake's "sexyback"
Futuresex/lovesounds are great cha chas.

No digas Nada , and Angela by Jose Feliciano (amazing rumbas)

Abrazame by Julio Igleseas (rumba)

Temptation by Arash ft. Rebecca (samba)

Baila Baila Conmigo by Domingo

Cheetah Girls

dancing in the moonlight by toploader,
i love the way she moves by zion,
it might be you by kai

ricky martin

killer-mr brightside

pussycat dolls -
dont cha and buttions-cha cha
wait a minute- from what i hear a swing
i dont need a man-salsa
I hope I Helped you
2 year Ballroom dancer
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by bmaniaci
9/27/2012  6:46:00 PM
Thank you, I will check them out.
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by rgswoohoo
10/11/2012  11:06:00 PM
more suggestions:

Dark Fire - Strunz & Farah (Rumba)
Tango de Besame - Benise (Argentine Tango)
Give it to Me Right - Melonie Fiona (Rumba)
Let's Stay Together - Michelle Williams (Rumba)
Here I Am (Come and Take Me) - Seal (West Coast)
G Walkin' - Kenny G (West Coast)
Out Of Time - Danny Wilde (West Coast, Rumba)
Crazy - Gnarles Barkley (West Coast)
Spanish Nights - Kenny G (Rumba)
Wicked Game - Chris Isaak (Rumba)
Remember Me - Marc Anthony (Bolero)
When I See You - El Debarge (Rumba)
How Can You Love Me - El Debarge (Rumba)
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by iskahsingh
10/18/2012  5:20:00 AM
Fell in love with Jamie Foxx's 'Fly Love" for Rumba! I hope you all enjoy it as well.

Thank you for this series of postings. It has been really helpful in adding variety to my playlists.
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by turbo2288
1/23/2014  12:17:00 PM
RE:rgswoohoo post
How do you dance rumba to a song like Spanish Nights - Kenny G??
It's like 124 beats per minutes. sorry
Re: Modern Ballroom Music Source
Posted by ClumsyFellow
1/24/2014  9:16:00 AM
According to the NDCA

American Rumba is danced 128-144bpm


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