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Online Courser to be a Dance Instructor
Posted by cnarracott
9/6/2012  10:26:00 AM
I live in a small town in New York State. We had a local studio but the owner had to close. I have been dancing three years and am self taught, I went to the studio once right before it closed and the owner said that he couldn't believe I was self-taught. Alot of people were upset he was closing because all other studios are in a 2 hour radius. I would like to get his place back up and running again.
Re: Online Courser to be a Dance Instructor
Posted by billymarsh
9/12/2012  8:18:00 AM
I just completed the discoveries dance training home study option. Angel sends you manuals and a DVD, and there is a lot of anatomy! I thought it was excellent. In fact I,ve been meaning to post about it but been busy :)
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