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How do you dance in your country?
Posted by wonjun
9/27/2013  2:41:00 AM
I'm 55 years old, living in Seoul,Korea. I have been studying ballroom dance for 8 years and enjoying at dance studio only where most people do same as me. Actually, I would like to dance at other places like dancing club but no places in here. Of course, some group of people are lending a place like gym and dancing but it is special case.

Hpow about in other country? Is there any places for mid-aged or old people where open at all times? It's so easy to find night club in everywhere, but impossible to find dance club for the purpose of ballromm dance.

I really wan to know how and where aged ballroon dancer like me do dance in each country?
Re: How do you dance in your country?
Posted by nloftofan1
9/27/2013  9:00:00 AM
In Memphis, Tennessee (US), there are inexpensive regular weekly dances at city-run senior centers and community centers, many of them with live music. Other organizations and individuals (one "DJ" puts on weekly dances) also have dances.
Re: How do you dance in your country?
Posted by ballroomchick
9/27/2013  11:21:00 AM
I'm in the U.S. We have LOTS of places to dance all week long in my neck of the woods!

There are 7, Friday night studio parties all with in a 30/45 min driving distance of each other. There are dancers from ages 13 up to 80 at these parties.

West Coast Swing:
There are 2 studio parties mid week JUST for this type of dance alone.

If you want to get all dressed up in formal wear there is 1 party a month that has a live band. This is the older group ages 60 to 80, but anyone can go dance with this bunch. They usually have about 100 attend each dance.
This dance moves from a Jewish Temple's ballroom to a recreation/gymnastics/stage studio hall.

If you want restaurant dancing areas, we have them!

There are several restaurants that are strictly salsa where you get mainly "street" salsa dancing. This is a live band and IT IS ALWAYS PACKED!

West Coast Swing and Rumba are played at one smokey bar with a wood dance floor.

There is another restaurant that switches from all salsa to all Latin dancing.

Once a month there is a milonga party at a bakery down town.
The other milonga parties move from place to place so you have to watch the announcement boards.

Country Western:
Several studios hold C&W parties during the week.

On the weekend there are 2 groups that hold L A R G E - C&W parties in once a month events.

We have a good many Country Western dance halls.
However, in the last year 3 or 4 of them have closed down. Not that they were having trouble keeping a crowd going, they just got a GREAT buy out offer. Oh and there are folks of all ages dancing at the C&W events.
Re: How do you dance in your country?
Posted by ladydance
9/28/2013  6:05:00 AM
I live in a mid size city in Canada. There are lots of dance studios but only about 7 that are strictly ballroom. There are couple of chain school studios. Every studio except FA and AM have dances that are open to anyone. They are every night from Thursday to Sunday. The studios stagger their dances because at one point everyone was on Friday. A few community centres offer dances as well. There is an afternoon dance for seniors. Some studios offer a short group lesson before the dance. Swing groups do their own thing and have their own dances, same with the Argentine tango people.
Re: How do you dance in your country?
Posted by O.Z.
10/6/2013  8:49:00 PM
Ladydance. In Australia I live in a City We are very much like you have written. It is possible to go to a Social Dance every day. Or a Studio for the more serious International Style of Dancing. Throw into that there is Argentine Tango. There are several places for Street Latin for learning. And lots for Australian New Vogue, from Social to the competition level. To add to all that I wouldn't even like to guess how many places cater for English Sequence Dancing her.
Re: How do you dance in your country?
Posted by jj2046
10/25/2013  12:55:00 AM
I come fm Hong Kong, 32yrs old, learned ballroom dancing for 3 years. In HK, ballroom dancing is reqarded as an old school dancing. When you telling the others you love ballroom dancing, they will say "what?! you are very young, what an old fashion sport !!" ..........BUT, i really love it, lol

I take 2-3 lessons per week and started fm 2012, i keep practicing at every Sat. But the problem is, i am 163 cm (with heel), it's hard to find a partner (esp you wanna find a girl younger than 40.) and thus, my leading is really poor :(

Anyway, i really love ballroom dance and wanna join any competition if possible ......lol
Re: How do you dance in your country?
Posted by O.Z.
10/25/2013  7:01:00 PM
For anybody living in or around Brisbane Queensland. Every Friday evening till 11pm in front of the Casino, in the open air on a square which is the property of the Brisbane City Council. There is Salsa and Street Latin dancing for anybody. No charge. With this climate it is possible to dance in the open air all year. The only thing that can stop it of course Rain. The music is fabulous. It is worth a visit to see some of the very skilled dancers do their stuff. Especially the Latinos.
Re: How do you dance in your country?
Posted by tomcathughes
10/28/2013  6:44:00 AM

I live in Italy and I am a Senior IV competitor for latin and standard fance (here in Italy they are considered as different categories).

Social dance is very spread in Italy; every one of the 20 regions of this Country has its own way of "interpreting" some of the basic dances, which led to the acknowledged dance specialties to achieve full dignity in the Italian Championship. So for instance if you live in Bologna, in an area of roughly 600.000 people, you can dance the so-called Filuzziano in the dancing places and then compete at national level, and the same goes for instance for Disco Fox in South Tirol. Moreover, the various interpretations of the various dances for the "balere" (dancing places) have become a separate category in the Italian dance world, which falls under the category of Ballo da Sala (literal English translation: Ballroom dancing, which is however misleading), and you can dance these dances everywhere in Italy. Then there is the so-called Liscio Unificato (Standard Smooth, so to say) which is an attempt at codifying all the various popular dances, and which is quite physically demanding, similar to high-class Quick Step, though with less figures.
Italians dance everyday, or better every night, in various types of dancing places, and moreover they dance outdoor at any country feast, on ony occasion where this is feasible, with live or recorded music.

Going to standard dance the situation is quite different. Standard is danced basically only in the school gyms, and this applies to latin too. Caraibic dances, on the contrary are very popular with the young AND with the no longer so youg, whereas line dancing and argentine tango are making a noun for themselves.

In conclusion, let me mention that FIDS, Italian Dance Sport Federation, counts more members than Football!
Re: How do you dance in your country?
Posted by twoleftfeet
5/23/2014  8:06:00 AM
Hi Tomcathughes! You mentioned ballroom/social dancing in Bologna. My husband and I (in our 50s) will be staying near the city centre for a few days 6-11 June 2014. We were there a few years ago but couldnt find anywhere to dance as we dont speak Italian. Can you tell us where we can go for social or dinner/tea dancing for a few hours in Bologna? Many thanks!
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