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Dance Shoes
Posted by Carla Hanks
10/1/2013  10:43:00 AM
The company that advertises dance shoes on your home page does not operate in good faith. I would advise that no one purchase any thing from www.lightinthebox.com as they do not stand behind their products.
Re: Dance Shoes
Posted by Administrator
10/1/2013  11:18:00 PM
hi Carla,

We don't have any advertisers called LigthInTheBox. In fact, our homepage is currently devoid of banner advertisements on the home page, other than the space reserved for Google ads, which is of course managed by Google.

But while Google uses their own methods to select which advertisers occupy that space, they do at least provide a way for us to block specific advertisers as necessary. If you think we should add them to Google's blocked advertisers list on our site, please contact us privately with more detailed information about your claim.

Jonathan Atkinson
Re: Dance Shoes
Posted by O.K.
10/6/2013  8:30:00 PM
Carla Hanks. I totally disagree with your remarks about the company lightinthebox. I have dealt with them several times and would do so again. You would be notified in the form of a receipt. You can at any time check how your order is going. And you would have been informed when your order is dispatched. It would delivered to your address. You would take delivery and sign for your goods at your door.
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