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Best Ballroom Dancing Songs
Posted by evanspd1
1/15/2015  11:09:00 PM
I am trying to put together a list of the 100 best ballroom dancing songs to dance to. Would love to hear ideas.

Re: Best Ballroom Dancing Songs
Posted by robirahman
4/1/2015  8:24:00 PM
I took some screencaps of my ballroom dance playlists.



I dance mostly American though, so if you see a song labeled rumba or waltz those will be rhythm rumba rather than latin, and smooth waltz rather than standard.
Re: Best Ballroom Dancing Songs
Posted by nloftofan1
4/2/2015  8:40:00 AM
"Best" ALWAYS means you have some criterion for "bestness." Asking the question the way you asked it, you might get a wide range of answers, depending on what kind of music the (self-selected) responders like. If you have any criteria in mind, please let us know.
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