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Music Suggestions??
Posted by Bachadicta
6/11/2015  2:42:00 PM
Can anyone suggest any good salsa music or any other types of music? I'm open to anything :)
Re: Music Suggestions??
Posted by iluvsalsa
6/11/2015  3:13:00 PM
I like relaxing to bachata
Re: Music Suggestions??
Posted by terence2
6/16/2015  1:18:00 AM

I could list numerous song names, but, instead, here's a list of bands/Artists, that you should check out.

LA Maxima
Conjunto Sabrosura

Willie Torres
Moncho Rivera
Alberto Barrass
Sonora Soriano
Ismael Miranda
Andy Montanez

Mon Carillo

Those are a very small selection, of bands that I choose from my library when DJing.. Its a mixture of Colombian and NY style music by and large.,

Music, is by nature, very subjective. Most of those may be found on Descarga.com with some giving sound bites.
You will come to learn that, the genre is VERY diverse, musically speaking, from hard core Dura, thru Son and old school Mambo Hope this helps

Re: Music Suggestions??
Posted by Bachadicta
6/17/2015  1:43:00 PM
Thank you, I will look into all those artists you listed! :)
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