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Which style dance for this song?
Posted by Lizzie Kate
9/27/2016  6:36:00 PM
Hi everyone. I will be getting married soon and our first song is to Dean Martin's Sway. I'm wondering which dance style is good for this song. I had one friend tell me Rumba and another tell me Cha Cha. I'm so confused. Help please.
Re: Which style dance for this song?
Posted by ballroombasics
9/28/2016  9:03:00 AM
Either one would work quite well.

Cha Cha gives a more rhythmical faster hip and foot action.
Rumba will give a slower or more smoother controlled action.

Some faster cha cha that can be too frenetic can be dance as a slower rumba rhythm.

Rosemary Clooney
Pussycat Dolls
Michael Buble

Also do versions of the song.

Often I see people dancing either a Rumba or Cha Cha to Sway since it can be expressed individually by what beat and tempo moves you to express the music.

I hope this helps.
Re: Which style dance for this song?
Posted by ballroombasics
9/28/2016  9:05:00 AM
One idea is to do a medley where the music is slower dance Rumba and when the tempo picks up switch into Cha Cha is a neat idea to show versatility.
Re: Which style dance for this song?
Posted by ladydance
9/29/2016  2:56:00 PM
It is a cha cha. It is far too fast for a rumba. I would suggest you find a version that is slower and it will be a rumba. If you are dancing in your wedding dress and high heels, it will be hard to to do a cha cha. Cha Cha is not an easy dance to master, the basic step is far more complicated than most.
Re: Which style dance for this song?
Posted by guest
9/30/2016  3:00:00 PM
Lizzie Kate. Sway = Cha Cha
Re: Which style dance for this song?
Posted by Lizzie Kate
10/1/2016  6:56:00 AM
So even this forum is split on Rumba or Cha Cha. LOL. I would prefer to do the Rumba, but I don't want to look stupid doing it if it doesn't go with the song.
Re: Which style dance for this song?
Posted by nloftofan1
10/1/2016  9:03:00 AM
When you listen to the music, what does it say to you?
Re: Which style dance for this song?
Posted by ladydance
10/1/2016  10:36:00 AM
Take your song to a professional and ask him/her. Try both dances and see what works best in the time you have available. Both of you have to dance together and if one can't get the basics down and on beat, it really doesn't matter which dance you choose. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Unless your guests are dancers, no one is going to notice the mistakes. Just don't look down at the floor, which when filmed (and it will be!) makes it look like you are staring at his crotch and him, at your chest.
Re: Which style dance for this song?
Posted by joelbean
4/12/2017  5:07:00 PM
This is a terrific song and played often at dances. I am a dance host in town and on the high seas. Here are a few thoughts. In the end, one should do what they feel the music tells them to do.

A few points:
1) It is a perfect Cha-Cha tempo BUT
2) It feels GREAT for a sexy, moving Rhumba
3) It is interesting that you ask the question since I often end up slipping in and out of both dances, evoking a smile from my partner.

All of this may be conventional thought but I can tell you a couple of things that work for me.

4) You can actually do a Silver level Foxtrot to this that feels terrific. Most people won't do it because they immediately think "Latin" but I can tell you that I've turned some heads with a Foxtrot to this song. Besides Dean and Frank did know a few Foxtrot songs :)

5) Least obvious is... if you are on the West Coast, don't be surprised to see people doing a Nightclub Two-step to this. It may not be obvious, but the tempo and downbeat work wonderfully and it is my personal favorite, especially if your SLOW step uses a nice SWAY, like the title of the song. And... for a wedding dance, NC2Step is wonderful and not too difficult to learn - Ladies love it!

Sometimes I mix all four styles together. A lot of fun.
My two cents.
Re: Which style dance for this song?
Posted by nloftofan1
4/14/2017  2:23:00 PM
You didn't say what country you're in (or what style of dancing you favor). American Rumba is faster than International (as we in the U. S. usually call it) Rumba. And American Cha-Cha is slightly slower than International Cha-Cha (the NDCA specifies 30 measures/minute for Cha-Cha and 32-36 for Rumba--American style, that is). "Sway" is usually a Cha-Cha, but you could do a Rumba (American) to it.

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