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Friend's taking me to a ballroom party
Posted by Philip Foster
5/24/2018  1:46:00 AM
Of all the invitations I could receive from my best friend, why does it have to be going in a ballroom party? I mean, I don't have any negative reviews about ballroom affairs, it's just that I don't like it and not my thing. He said I'll be meeting his friends in a foreign bride social he attended weeks ago, and they're expecting my presence, so that means not saying “NO” to him. I don't dance! How should I get out with this? I need your advice!
Re: Friend's taking me to a ballroom party
Posted by Ladydance
5/26/2018  8:47:00 AM
You sound like a whiny teenager. "I don't like it, I don't want to go" Either stop being so self-centred or don't go. Do you know how many times ballroom dancers hear people telling them, how despite never trying it, that "ballroom is not their thing"? You honestly thought that people who love to dance were going to give you advice on how to get out of dancing?
Re: Friend's taking me to a ballroom party
Posted by nloftofan1
5/26/2018  9:25:00 AM
Your question is about how to handle a particular social situation. It has nothing to do with dancing, so it's a complete mystery why you posted it on a site frequented by people who enjoy dancing. I agree with Ladydance's reply, and I'm adding a personal observation that often people who "don't like to dance" change their opinion when they actually take the time to learn a little dancing.
Re: Friend's taking me to a ballroom party
Posted by BallroomChick
5/31/2018  3:36:00 PM
I agree with the others, you might try opening yourself up to something different out of your worn groove of experience. Check out other options for fun and meeting people.

Or stop being a child and tell your friend no.
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