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Split Sole Dance Shoes
Posted by nloftofan1
6/4/2019  10:50:00 AM
I'm considering buying some new (men's) dance shoes. Many of the shoes I see listed on websites have split soles. I dan't know anything about them, and I'd appreciate some comments pro/con from people who have experience with split sole dance shoes.
Re: Split Sole Dance Shoes
Posted by BallroomChick
6/5/2019  12:03:00 PM
Dance shoes come with a full shank which gives full support of the foot. This does not allow for flexibility. The smooth shoe.

1/2 shank shoes allow for some flexibility while still giving support. The Latin shoe.

No shank allows for the shoe to be bent in 1/2. You usually see this in the dance sneakers. These are for the "gifted dancer" with great foot flexibility. The drawback is with no support the foot will start to hurt if your dancing/teaching in them all day long.
Re: Split Sole Dance Shoes
Posted by nloftofan1
6/22/2019  9:41:00 AM
FOLLOWUP: I bought the split sole shoes and I've danced in them a couple of times. They feel good and so far I haven't noticed any ill effects for the lack of support for the arches of my feet.
Re: Split Sole Dance Shoes
Posted by BallroomChick
6/25/2019  11:55:00 AM
Well you shouldn't have a problem. As stated 1/2 shank or if you like (same thing) split sole will give you support AND allow you to bend your toes.
Re: Split Sole Dance Shoes
Posted by nloftofan1
6/29/2019  9:57:00 AM
They are the dance sneakers (described as "split sole" on the seller's—and manufacturer's—website). No support under the arch but so far no problem in wearing them for a few hours at a time.
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