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Ballroom Music Player : BallroomDJ 4
Posted by Brad Lanam
5/17/2023  7:31:00 AM
BallroomDJ 4 is designed for the requirements of playing ballroom music.
BDJ4 can be configured for most any need and is very flexible.

Main website: https://ballroomdj4.sourceforge.io/

I can answer general questions about it here. More specific question should probably be asked in the BDJ4 forums.

Edit: I forgot to mention, it is completely free.
Re: Ballroom Music Player : BallroomDJ 4
Posted by prak
4/12/2024  3:16:00 PM
I tried ita year or 2 ago. I couldn't make it play any music. Is it better now? I suspect it was unable to read variable bit rates or something.
Re: Ballroom Music Player : BallroomDJ 4
Posted by Brad Lanam
4/20/2024  4:11:00 PM
BallroomDJ 4 uses the VLC library to play music. It is very unlikely that the audio files were the problem.

You can always request help using one of the methods listed at:

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