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Society Foxtrot?
Posted by Keh Gough
9/10/2000  11:52:00 AM
A few years back, I had heard of a term " Society Foxtrot ". Is there anyone know what it is?


Keh Gough

re: Society Foxtrot?
Posted by Frank
9/15/2000  2:02:00 PM
Yes, Ken, we are echoing each other - I'd really like to find out what this Roseland FT is, as well as how (if ever) QQS timing may be used as some have written elsewhere. Perhaps someone actually knows either or both things & can enlighten us.

In the interim, in this spirit of regional dance quirks, I have come up with a proposed version called the Maine Foxtrot - the basic goes like this: see rabid fox arrogantly barking on lawn; open door & do 3 Slows toward fox, then do 12 Quicks in reverse weave to livingroom, ending in a Slow with pliade, & grabbing 9mm with man's right hand, then 16 forward Quicks retracing last moves, twinkle to PP, miss fox twice, nail him in the head as he does 6 slows toward you, open impetus & weave from PP to phone, ask dance partner to bring scotch, and apologize to others (doing Roseland?) for backing the LOD. A possible new Arthur Murray routine for the jaded, anxious for more new patterns? Nice 'n easy does it...

re: Society Foxtrot?
Posted by Keh Gough
9/14/2000  4:08:00 PM

It was a few years back (1995-1996) when I heard that term " Society Foxtrot ". Music wise it was not fast at all, as matter of fact it was danced to the tempo of Internation foxtrot.


The couple from whom I heard the term had since moved back to Florida. They had actively competed in advanced American style and they also do the International. I can rule out international Foxtrot is what they mean by " society Foxtrot ". From the appearance of their doing, it does have some slow steps and quick steps. Perhaps one slow step follow by two quick steps as Weddingdance point out, using Waltz technique in doing American Foxtrot? Or is Society Foxtrot same as Silver level American Foxtrot?


Keh Gough

re: Society Foxtrot?
Posted by Frank
9/14/2000  12:04:00 PM
Ken, I wonder if this is the same as what many of us in the Northeast call "social foxtrot" - which is dancing the basic patterns of American Bronze (SSQQ) as all S's, to otherwise undanceable/yawn 4/4 & 6/8 pop tunes - same ones we could do nightclub 2 step to if we knew it - as ballroom alternatives to "slow dancing."

I would like to know what this "Roseland FT" is supposed to be in concrete terms - I've seen everything from American Silver (SQQ) to continuous spirals around the floor (either Bronze SSQQ or Silver SQQ) called "Roseland" by various people (most of whom have probably never danced in NYC anywhere near the former Roseland, much less gone to work there every day from a different direction with the same clothes on like I did(hee-hee), and I once read in a book claiming to be the "Complete Book of Ballroom Dancing"(not) that Roseland is QQS (hmm, did foxtrot get Fred Astaire disease on the courthouse steps like rumba?). Can anyone actually describe what it is without winging it?

re: Society Foxtrot?
Posted by David
9/11/2000  9:35:00 AM
I think it is what is referred to in the NYC area as roseland foxtrot. The country people call it a two-step. The music is very fast. Listen to an old Lester Lanin record of a foxtrot to get the timing.
re: Society Foxtrot?
Posted by Keh Gough
9/16/2000  10:44:00 AM
Frank: You post is too very funny !!

I went to the 8th annual Bluemoon Festival on last Thursday night in Vegas. It was pretty much a 100 percent social scene. ( I knew it would be. Why did I go? Two gals from the studio insisted and I had nothing to do that night. ) The average age of participants is 70. An outdoor theatre with concrete stage was the floor, much crowded to do anything but basic box steps. Your proposal of "Maine Foxtrot" brings up the animated images I saw as turtles, rabbits, brown bear, kangaloo that night. The DJ was brave enough to play a Viennese Waltz to which everyone was doing their homemade designer's steps. I did the basic American Foxtrot with occasional left rock turn. If I were to do some reverse turns and natural turns, it would have resembled much to a scene at the bowling alley........


Keh ( not KEN )

re: Society Foxtrot?
Posted by weddingdance
9/11/2000  10:18:00 AM
I had heard it was more of a waltz to foxtrot timing, like american change steps but instead of 1-2-3, it's slow, quick quick.
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