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3a. Spot Turns

A Spot Turn is loosely defined as two forward steps and a chasse danced solo by man or lady, circling either to the left or right, to the count of 2, 3, 4&1. Turns to the left are commenced with the right foot; Turns to the right are commenced with the left foot.

Spot Turns as a Basic element can be danced in a variety of ways: Man and lady turning at the same time, man turning lady underarm, or one partner turning while the other dances a Time Step, just to name a few. But as a figure, Spot Turns are generally danced by both man and lady at the same time, and that is how they are shown here.

The Spot Turn in this context is danced completely solo by both man and lady, so it will be necessary to release both connected hands. However, one hand connection should remain until the turn has been led. It is recommended that you use the hand that is closer to the direction of turn for this purpose.

Partners should have completed one full turn by count 4, so that they can face each other throughout the chasse.

Pay close attention to the hand connections when watching the video clip. Also notice the dancers' visual focus, as it helps them to maintain a sense of direction throughout the turn.


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