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5. Hand to Hand

Hand-to-Hand can be thought of as a "New Yorker in reverse". Partners alternate from left to right side-by-side position, but instead of taking a forward break, they take a back break. The turn on count one is taken in the opposite direction than that of the New Yorker.

As in the New Yorker, it will be necessary to release the hand that is farther away from your partner as you turn to side-by-side position. The free arm may then extend outward (as shown in video clip), or it may be held closer to the body when space is limited.

As tempting as it is to thrust the joined-hand through as you turn to side-by-side position, try to avoid this, as it compromises the connection. The best position for the joined hand is hip-level.

Note when watching the video that the dancers remain facing each other until the very end of the chasse.


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