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American Style Waltz
Forward Changes O.P.
9a. Forward Changes O.P.
Fact Sheet
Official Name:Forward Changes O.P.
Dance / Level:Intermediate Bronze American Style Waltz
Aliases:Outside Partner Change Steps, Progressive Twinkles, Forward Twinkles
Closed Forward Changes

Forward Changes O.P., or outside partner, are similar to basic Forward Changes, with a few exceptions:

  • The first step of each Change (i.e. the man's forward step) is taken in outside partner position.
  • Each Forward Change O.P. will turn 1/4 to the right or left to shift the lady from left to right side position or vice-versa.
  • The resulting line of movement is a zig-zag down line of dance, shifting back and forth from diagonal wall to diagonal center.

This figure is written as a 4-measure sequence, whereby measures 2 and 3 are the Forward Changes O.P. themselves. These two measures can be repeated as desired. Measures 1 and 4 represent the entry and exit.


Measure 1 (steps 1-3) is a Forward Change that begins in-line (as the previous figure has most likely ended) and turns to the left to set up the outside partner position for the next Forward Change O.P.

The entry, as shown, begins facing line of dance and turns 1/8 to left. Alternative alignments and amounts of turn are:

  • Begin facing diagonal wall, turning 1/4 to left over 1-3.
  • Begin facing wall, turning 3/8 over 1-3 to end facing diagonal center.
  • Measure 4 (steps 10-12) is a Forward Change that begins O.P. and does not turn, resolving back to a normal in-line position.
  • The exit can turn up to 1/8 to end facing line of dance, and still resolve to an in-line position.

The entry and exit used in measures 1 and 4 represent the most basic method for achieving and then resolving the outside partner position, however other possibilities exist. For a complete list of preceding and following figures, click on the appropriate tab above.

In addition to the sequence outlined in the man's and lady's parts, an alternate version can be used, which represents a sort of "mirror image" of the original. In this variation, the man would begin with a RF Forward Closed Change to transition from in-line to outside partner position. He could then dance a sequence of LF and RF Forward Changes O.P., to finish with a Forward Change with no turn (or up to 1/8) to resolve back to in-line position.


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