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American Style Waltz
Promenade Hesitation
7. Promenade Hesitation
Fact Sheet
Official Name:Promenade Hesitation
Dance / Level:Intermediate Bronze American Style Waltz
Aliases:Hesitation in Promenade Position, Promenade Balance Step

The Promenade Hesitation is a sequence of two hesitations taken in promenade position, returning to closed position on the end of the second hesitation.

Variations of Turn

As written, the promenade position is resolved on the second measure when the lady turns 1/4 to close to the man. In addition to this, there are three more options:

  • The man could turn 1/4 to right to close to the lady and end backing diagonal center.
  • They could split the difference, man and lady each turning 1/8 to end facing wall and center, respectively.
  • No turn. Partners remain in promenade and repeat Promenade Hesitation.

As a substitute for steps 4-6, many dancers prefer the Promenade Close (figure #13). Please note this is the ending featured on the video demonstration.

Variations of Alignments

The most common direction for the Promenade Hesitation is traveling along line of dance, as written in the charts. But it is also possible to dance moving toward diagonal wall, diagonal center, or even straight toward center if traffic flow permits. When combined with the various amounts of turn, the Promenade Hesitation has quite an array of possible beginning and ending alignments.

Promenade Develope'

A popular embellishment of this figure is the addition of a "Develope" action by the lady on steps 2-3. This is known as Promenade Develope', and is a very popular social variation. Since the man cannot easily lead the lady to do such an action from this position, it is considered the lady's variation only. That is to say, she may decide to add the Develope' by her own free will, as it does not interfere with the man's intentions through the execution of the figure.

* Competitors please note that the NDCA does not permit the Develope', or any action which features the lifting of a foot high off the floor, in closed Bronze level syllabus events. If you compete in an NDCA-sanctioned event in the USA, the Promenade Hesitation is acceptable at Bronze level, but the Promenade Develope' is not.


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