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American Style Waltz
Side-by-Side Changes
19a. Side-by-Side Changes
Fact Sheet
Official Name:Side-by-Side Changes
Dance / Level:Full Bronze American Style Waltz
Aliases:Left Side-by-Side Changes, Back-to-Back Changes, Open Counter-Promenade Changes, Flip Flops
Closed Forward Changes, Six-Count Underarm Turn

Side-by-Side Changes, also known as Open Counter-Promenade Changes, are a traveling pattern of two measures alternating between open facing position and "inverted counter-promenade", a V-shaped position where man and lady are turned nearly back-to-back. The man's and lady's parts are mirrored, the underlying foot pattern being alternating left- and right-turning Forward Changes.

The figure begins in open facing position, two-hand hold, with man facing center of room. The man releases the RH-LH hold and begins to turn to his right, stepping side & slightly forward on his right foot along the line of dance. The second step is right foot forward, the man having turned a total of 1/4 to face line of dance, now in side-by-side position. The feet close on step 3, and the man turns 1/8 farther to his right to face diagonal wall, now in inverted counter-promenade position.

The lady's part is the mirror image; She begins facing wall, steps first with her left foot (LRL), turns to her left, and ends with feet closed, facing diagonal center.

The second measure of the figure turns in the opposite direction to return the couple to open facing position as they began.

A variation of the amount of turn on the first measure has the man and lady turn only over steps 1-2, to end on the third step in side-by-side position, facing line of dance. This is popular with social dancers, and can also be useful as a simplified method when first introducing the pattern to a student.

The second measure can be modified in several ways, in order to open up additional possibilities for following figures:

  • Man and lady can each turn an extra 1/8 over 4-6 to end in promenade position. Follow with any promenade figure such as 4-6 Promenade Hesitation or Promenade Close. (Note that the movement will travel against line of dance, so it is recommended to follow that with minimal or no additional travel in the same direction, e.g. LF Forward Hesitation or 4-6 Right Box Turn, first step with lady O.P.)
  • Man can turn an extra 1/8, leading the lady to underturn by 1/8 to end in closed or open facing position, man backing diagonal wall.
  • Man can underturn by 1/8, leading the lady to turn an extra 1/8 to end in closed or open facing position, man facing diagonal center.

Side-by-Side Changes can be repeated as desired, or alternated with Side-by-Side Changes Backward.


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