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15. Left Cross Turn
Fact Sheet
Official Name:Left Cross Turn
Dance / Level:Full Bronze American Style Waltz
Aliases:Reverse Turn, Viennese Reverse Turn, Viennese Half Turns, Viennese Cross
Left Box (Reverse) Turn

The Left Cross Turn is an advanced version of the Left Box Turn borrowed from Viennese Waltz. Dancers typically complete 1/2 turn per measure, or 1 full turn for the rntire figure. To help accomplish this additional rotation, the man crosses his left foot in front of his right foot on step 3, and the lady crosses her left foot in front of her right foot on step 6. This crossing action is what gives the Left Cross Turn its name.

Because the figure begins and ends on the same alignment, it can be repeated as desired along any single side of the room.

Like the Left Box Turn, the Left Cross Turn is most often preceded and followed by Forward Closed Change Steps in the Waltz. In order to accommodate the slight difference in alignment, the preceding and following Change Steps need to be altered. The preceding RF Change Step is simply turned 1/8 from diagonal center to line of dance. The following LF Change Step cannot be turned 1/8 to right, however, it can remain facing line of dance, and the following Right Box / Natural Turn can be turned 1/2 over steps 1-3. Or the Change Step can be turned 1/8 to left in the corner of the room, to end facing diagonal wall of the new line of dance to prepare for a Natural Turn. Of course, infinite precede and follow possibilities exist beyond Changes and Natural Turns. Refer to the precedes and follows tabs for more ideas.

15b. Promenade Cross

The Promenade Cross is best described as the second half of a Left Cross Turn, begun in promenade position. It's a nice option as a resolution to promenade position, as it allows the dancers to move along line of dance and follow with additional reverse figures, such as Left Cross Turn.

Beginning in promenade position, man steps with right foot forward & across in CBMP, then left foot side & slightly forward, and then closes left foot to right foot. By moving the lady slightly farther across his line of travel toward the end of the figure, he can lead her to cross her left foot, rather than closing it, on count 3. This allows the following figure to begin moving down line of dance.

As with most figures beginning in promenade position, the Promenade Cross can travel along line of dance, or toward diagonal center or diagonal wall. It will end with man facing the same alignment as the direction of travel. For example, if man begins in promenade position facing line of dance, the Promenade Cross will travel toward diagonal center, and end with man facing diagonal center.


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