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4. Closed Promenade
Fact Sheet
Official Name:Closed Promenade
Dance / Level:Beginning Bronze Tango
Aliases:Promenade with Closed Finish
Progressive Link or Walk on RF to PP

One of Tango's unique characteristics is its usage of many promenade figures, and the Closed Promenade is the most basic form these. It is one of the first promenade figures learned in Tango and is fundamental to learning how to dance in promenade position.

The promenade position is defined as a "V"-shaped dance position whereby the man and lady travel in the same direction, toward the open end of the "V".

The Closed Promenade consists of 4 steps, counted "Slow Quick Quick Slow". Both man and lady take two walks forward in promenade position (slow, quick). The man then leads the lady to turn to closed position to step side, then close (quick, slow). The dancers end in closed position with the feet closed., right foot slightly behind the left.

The most notable aspect of Promenade is the fact that the direction of travel, the alignment of the body, and the alignment of the feet are all different. Although the position is described as a "V"-shape, this is really only a description of the turning open of the feet and lower body. The upper body should remain facing partner so that the man's and lady's top-line remain nearly parallel. The heads should turn to look into the direction of travel, which is towards the dancers' open sides. For example, if the Promenade is to travel down line of dance, the man's feet should be turned towards diagonal wall while the lady's feet point to diagonal center. Meanwhile, the man's upper body should remain facing wall, while the lady's upper body remains facing center. The heads turn to look towards the direction of travel, which is straight down line of dance.
In addition to traveling down line of dance, the Promenade may also travel towards diagonal center or diagonal wall. Any other alignment would be less desirable, as it would cause the dancers to interrupt the natural flow of traffic around the dance floor.


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