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9. Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn Fact Sheet
The Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn is one of three types of reverse turning figures in the Bronze Tango syllabus. It represents a unique departure from the simple formula used in the previous Open Reverse Turns. Rather than a single element, the Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn is more of a combination of several other figures, namely the Progressive Side Step, and either a Rock Turn, Back Rocks, or Back Corté ending. The figure begins with man facing diagonal center. A Progressive Side Step ("QQS") is taken with a strong turn to left, followed by a checked forward walk on man's RF against line of dance ("slow"). Total turn over these four steps is 3/8 to left (body slightly more). At this point in the figure, the man's left foot is free, and so it cannot be completed with the normal Closed or Open Finish in the same manner as the other reverse turns. Instead, it could be followed by a Back Corté, a LF Back Rock, or the most commonly-used ending: Steps 3-8 Rock Turn.
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